Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. The only thing that I own is the plot. :3

Last chapter: 

With a snarl she dug her face into the crook of the branch member's neck. Dark, crimson liquid trail down the helpless branch member's neck. The branch member stopped in matter of seconds. Everyone was speechless.  On to the story.

Chapter I

Many years has passed since that incident. The protagonist in the story now has her midnight blue locks reaching near her butt. Her body looks like that of an hourglass making hormonal boys falling for her left and right. Her heart-shaped face, flawless and pale with irresistible red lips and she just look simply so perfect and delicate, so much like... like a porcelain doll.

Usually the protagonist is very punctual but for the first time in her life she is running... Late! This must be an omen, telling her that something is going to happen today but she threw the thoughts away as soon as it came in her mind. After all she didn't want to jinx the first day of high school. In her hurry she notice the rock in front of her, next thing she was falling, she expected to feel the harsh pathway what she didn't expect to feel was a large, warm arm around her waist. She trial her eyes towards the owner of the hand, when she met his eyes, she saw fireworks and stars in the background. Her flushing cheeks resembling a tomato, she could feel her heart beating profusely 'strange' she thought 'why is my throat burning?' Suddenly feeling the burning in her throat the other strange thing is that she felt her Caine teeth are getting longer and sharper... When the stranger (a handsome one at that) let her go she was still staring at him even when he turn to leave, only when the stranger leave did she remember to thank him.

Soon after she got out of her dazed she suddenly realized that he was wearing the same uniform as her. "He might go to the same school as me," she said out loud. When she traced her teeth she found that her teeth were the same. "Strange I thought my teeth were getting..." She didn't even get to finish her sentence because the bell had rang signaling school has started. For a while she had forgotten about the (handsome) stranger, and the strange feelings.

Until... Lunch break that is, because lo and behold he was right there in the middle of the class, brooding while his friends mostly make up all the noises. He looked perfect sitting there, just like a prince from fairytales that her mother read to her when she was young. He seem to be a dream come tr- She didn't even get to finish her sentence when once again someone bumped into her making her drop her lunch with a big clang.

What is wrong with her, usually she wouldn't space out this much and get into trouble but for some reason today she had been getting in a lot of accidents.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't see you there. What were you doing standing in the middle of the door?" When she came to her senses, she noticed that the girl in front of her looked just like a goddess, pink hair, red lips, emerald eye that shine brightly seems to be waiting for her to do or say something. The girl in front of her (who is like a goddess) doesn't seem fazed that she wasn't talking.

"What are you doing here in the senior section?" "Ah! I-I'm l-looking f-for my n-nii-san." "Riiight. I don't believe you." She is so confused right now, why wouldn't the pink hair girl believe her? She is simply telling the truth, it just that she had forgotten her nii-san's classroom and had gotten lost that is all. "You're here for him right?" the girl said pointing to the dark hair person, who she was daydreaming about before. "Don't worry you're not the only one who is 'in love' with him." The pink hair girl explained. "So rude of me, I haven't even introduced myself yet. I am Haruno Sakura from class 3B." The name suited her, with her pink hair and bubbly attitude. "Ah! I-I a-am H-Hyuuga H-Hinata from class 1A." "Does that mean I'm your senpai?" "Ah! Y-yes." "Let me introduce you to my friends and your other senpai." "T-There i-is n-no n-need." "What are you talking about, this is once in a while chance for you to meet the person that your in love with." With that said she dragged the poor girl to her friends (direction of the handsome person was sitting). Hinata wanted to say no but she still hasn't thanked the kind person who had saved her (well technically saved) so she thought that this might be the chance to thank him.

How should I thank him? Should I just thank him as soon as I reached there? No! Too many people watching and his friends are there as well. Should I tell him to meet me later? No! That would give the wrong impression. What should I do Kami-sama? Soon they had reached the long waited (seems long to Hinata but it only lasted for 30 seconds) destination. "Hey guys. Let me introduce you our cute kohai. Her name is Hyuuga Hinata." There was a reply 'hey,' 'hello' and a snore. "N-Nice, t-to m-meet y-you." "The guy with the golden hair is the dead last Uzumaki Naruto. The sleeping person is the lazy genius Nara Shikamaru the girl beside him with the blonde hair is Yamanaka Ino-pig. The one eating chips next to Ino-pig is Akamichi Choji, oh and don't tell him that he's fat." She had whispered the last part. "Last but not least the person next to the dead last is the heartthrob who has stolen young maiden hearts, Uchiha Sasuke."

The friends that Sakura has were in another word unique. They're so different from each other Hinata couldn't believe that they were friends. "All right then Hinata wou-" "You, meet me in the rooftop." The rude person that had interrupted Sakura happened to be Uchiha Sasuke. "E-Eh, m-me?" Hinata pointed to herself. "Yes you, who do you think I am talking to?" "R-Right n-now?" "Yes right now," he replied irritated. In the background she could hear his friends teasing them.

The atmosphere between them was tense, so tense that you could cut it with a dull knife. The walk toward the rooftop seems to take forever (it wasn't that long, honestly Hinata stop being dramatic). Long dread moment is going to be in 3...2...1! The door opened with a bang startling Hinata. "Let's cut the chase, Vampire." 

A/N: Thank you for reading my fanfic and I would like to apologise to my dear readers for taking a long time to upload this chapter. I would also like for you to tell me what you like and don't like, helpful criticism is appreciated and stay tuned for the next chapter! ^-^   

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