Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Last chapter: 

Long dread moment is going to be in 3...2...1! The door opened with a bang startling Hinata. "Let's cut the chase, don't bother me Vampire." 

Chapter 2:

"P-Pardon?" Hinata asked timidly, it seems that Sasuke didn't hear or chose to ignore Hinata (You rude handsome guy) because he just went on talking. "I don't need this anymore," he dangerously came closer as he said this causing Hinata to step back in response. Without them knowing he had her trapped in between him and the door. Sasuke was so heated in his accusation and Hinata was in her own little world that they didn't notice the door opening, since they didn't notice it both of them lost balance and off they go falling on the ground.

When Hinata had come back to reality and realized that she was on top of Sasuke, legs tangled together and lips... Her face quickly turning red as she realized that she had kissed Uchiha Sasuke, her senpai.

Sasuke pushed Hinata like she was burning him or something. Hinata was surprised by the push that it had made her rise up and stumble back towards the rooftop door resulting in closing the door again (imagine the face of the person who tried to open the door and moments later getting the door closed in your face). Hinata feeling hurt by the way he treated she was barely keeping tears at bay. Never in 15 years of her life had she been treated this way (by the same person who had saved her not long ago).

"Did you know what you've just done!" Sasuke yelled suddenly. Why is he like this? It was also my first k-k-kiss! Is k-k-k-kissing me so horrible? Do I look like I have some kind of disease? Hinata mentally criticized herself.

Since two years ago, her features started changing resulting in her getting bullied. She had been bullied just because of something simple as a different eye colour, because of that she had become withdrawn and shy. Also because of her eyes, people were able to read her easily; her eye colour would change according to her mood. She was (past tense not present tense) the heiress of a big company but because she was an open book her family decided that her sister would take her place. That had struck her already wounded heart but she still accepted it. Her clan called her a murderer, which had pushed her into what she is today.

"Shit!" Hinata turned beet red hear that, that vulgar word. "You idiot! Why can't you all leave me in peace?" He yelled. Hinata froze in fear as she he turned to look at her. There was nothing to fear about his eyes, but she just can't explain this raw fear she's feeling. She has nightmare about eyes like this but she had believed that it only exist in her nightmare, never would she had thought that this nightmare would come true. She wanted to scream but she can't make a noise. "Oi! Are you listening to me?" That was the last thing she heard before her world turned black.

Her eyes fluttered open and the first thing she notices was the white ceiling and the bed that she is laying in. The second thing she notices was that someone is sitting beside her bed, looking through the window. That incident was all a dream... right? That can't be possible in real life... right?

"I know that you're awake." Said the person who was looking through the window.

Hinata wondered how he would know if she a wake or not because she had just opened her eyes.

"I know, because I can now hear your thoughts, you idiot." He said irritably.

"T-that i-is i-impossible! W-We d-don't l-live i-in s-some k-kind o-of f-fantasy w-world!" Hinata said suddenly angry, she is not that stupid to let this (rather handsome) senpai fool her.

"W-Where a-am I-I? W-What h-happened? W-What a-are y-you d-doing h-here a-and w-why w-were y-your e-eyes... r-red?" Hinata asked the last question also hesitantly.

"One questions at a time. You're at the infirmary because you blacked and I am here because I want to know if you know who you are, from what I notice you don't know who or rather what you are."

"A-Are y-you s-still a-accusing m-me o-of b-being a-a v-vampire?"

"Believe me or not what I told you is the truth." Sasuke snapped back. "I never asked for this," Sasuke let out a sigh. "It seems that you don't know your identity yet. Tell me Hyuuga do you take any type of pill or vitamins? Anything?" Sasuke asked.

"N-No, I-I d-don't t-take a-any. W-Why a-are y-you a-asking a-about t-this, m-my p-private l-life i-is p-private. Y-you s-still h-haven't a-answered m-my l-last q-question y-yet." Hinata said the last part in a whisper.

"How about something that looked like a mint but tasted strange?" He asked again ignoring Hinata.

"N-not t-that I-I k-know... Ah n-now t-that y-you m-mention i-it I-I w-would a-always t-take t-this r-red m-mint j-jelly t-thing. Why are you asking?"

"Ah, that pill huh?"

"W-what d-do y-you m-mean b-by p-pill?" Asked Hinata.

"Tell me, when do you take the pill and how you feel when you take it?"

"W-Why a-are y-you a-asking?" Hinata asked.

"Just answer me dammit!" Sasuke said, his anger raising.

"A-Ah." Hinata jumped, from the anger in his eyes. "I-I f-feel m-my h-hunger f-for s-something s-subside a-and m-my m-mind c-clears?" Hinata said it more like a question.

"Hn, when did you start taking it?"

"I-I d-don't r-remember, m-maybe t-two y-years a-ago?" Hinata said uncertainly.

Is he bi-polar considering the fact that he was calm and the next he suddenly got angry? I can't be a vampire because I don't get burn in the sun and my heart is still beating, he got to be lying. He is trying to make me a fool and then laugh it off with his friends. In no possible way he can hear my thoughts.

"Why are you screaming in you head?" he asked the surprised Hyuuga. "I am not bi-polar. Whether you believe that you're a vampire or not it doesn't matter to me. Why would I make a fool out of you, I don't even know you. As I had said before I can hear your thoughts. Just so you know, your private life hasn't been private since two years ago."

With that he stood up and left the room without looking back at the surprised Hyuuga. 

A/N: Dear readers, I want to thank you for your continues support and I apologise for the present and future mistakes. I also apologise for the long waited chapter. I also wish for you to comment on how you feel about this so that in a way I can improve as well and you can enjoy it, just like the saying 'killing a two birds with one stone." I hope that you will keep supporting me. =) ^w^ 

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