The First Explorers

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       If you visit a pyramid today you will find electric lights, steps to climb, and handrails to help you find your way. When early explorers entered over three hundred years ago, they only have flickering Candlelight and the strong hands of their guides to lead them into the intense heat and fearsome the darkness of the Pyramids. there was a terrible stench, and the air was dusty but the Explorers braved the heat and lack of light, and had many adventures!!

     The first tourists to visit the Giza pyramids were the ancient Egyptians themselves, then the Greeks and Romans. After the Arab invasion of Egypt in A.D. 639, the outer stones from the pyramids were used to build the city of Cairo. For century's after, very few people visited Egypt, so scholars had very little information about the pyramids. Were these Wonderful monuments just tombs? Surely they must have had other uses?

"To take a better footing we put our shoes and most of our other apparel, foretold of the heat within, not inferior to a stove. Our guide went foremost, everyone with our lights in our hands. A most dreadful passage... Not above a yard in breadth and four foot in height... So always stooping and sometimes creeping.
                      17th-century English explorer

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