Chapter One: Elizabeth

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A rush of adrenaline jolts Elizabeth awake as her alarm clock screams at her to wake up. Slapping her hand on top of the snooze button, the room becomes a little more quiet. The only sound the fills the room is the chirping of birds and rustling of trees from outside her window. Elizabeth clasps her hands over her eyes as every muscle in her body tenses up, letting every limb stretch. A loud screeching noise, that anyone would mistake as an injured car, escapes Elizabeth's lips as she relaxes into her bed sheets, staring up at the ceiling. 

Reluctantly, she rolls over, one leg fumbles over the side of her comfy double bed. Knowing she needs to get up, she pushed herself up off her belly. Both feet slowly touch the cold, wooden Floor boards. Elizabeth shudders as she moves like a glacier down the hall and into the bathroom. Flicking on the light, she captures her image in the mirror.

Elizabeth May Walsh. A petite 16 year old girl with big green eyes, brown hair that falls between her shoulder blades, freckles dabble across her nose and slightly onto her cheeks. Nice, white teeth, naturally sun kissed skin and a very colorful personality, in all the best ways.

Elizabeth was never a talkative person. It was always a little difficult to make friends, due to her shyness and rarely putting herself out there. Her social skills are a little rusty, but she managed.

She enjoyed spending most of her time alone. Reading, writing, obsessing over shows and actors were just something that kept her happy and occupied. She loved video games and movies people would think are "dorky". She loved Star Wars, Star Trek, The Lord Of The Rings and all three films of The Hobbit. She loved many sci-fi TV shows like Sherlock, Supernatural and Doctor Who. She often wears T-shirts riddled with video game characters and references that only she and other people with similar qualities would understand.

She loved the fact that she naturally obsesses over books rather than a sports team. But still would jump at the chance to watch football with her dad. She listened to classic rock, but wasn't picky about any other genres of music. She was smart and worked hard in school. She was proud to be what preps and jocks would call... A nerd.


The reflection sharing back at her looked tired and fuzzy. Slouching, Elizabeth came closer to the sink. She slightly yanked at the handle and a stream of luke warm water came pouring out of the faucet. The tired teenager washed her face and applied facial moisturizer after she dried her face off.

Feeling more awake, she pylled her makeup bag toward her and unzipped it. She pulled out her face makeup and eye makeup. Everything she needed. Elizabeth applied a thin layer of foundation, to cover blemishes yet still let freckles show through. She then filled in the sparse areas of her eye brows. Grabbing her liquid eyeliner, she make a slight cat eye flick before applying two coats of mascara on her lashes.

'A very simple look for a very simple day' she thought to herself.

She put on some lip balm before putting all her things away, zipping up the back and pushing it to the back of the counter.

She stood back, giving herself a long look in the mirror. She shrugged, concluding she looked good enough for school. She balled her fingers up 
In a fist, and lightly "punched" the light switch, Turing the lights off. A little habit she's always had since she was a kid.

She left the bathroom, making her way back to her room. Closing the door behind her, she checked the time: 7:15am Tuesday. Elizabeth tossed her phone back onto her bed, watching it bounce off and hit the floor with a thud.

Shrugging, she turned to her dresser. She pulled out a pair of worn down, straight cut jeans with a hole beginning to tear on the right knee. Next, she opened a drawer designated for shirts. She ruffled around until she pulled one out from the bottom, causing a couple to fall to the floor. Not bothering to pick up the others, she tossed the shirt onto the bed with her jeans. It was gray with the chrest that was on the case of the game called, skyrim. The words 'dragon born' were written underneath it.

She put on her jeans and shirt, along with undergarments and white ankle socks. She generously applied deodorant and perfume, as smelling nice wasn't an option to her.  Elizabeth brushed her hair, put a couple black hair elastics around her wrist, shoved her books in her bag, picked up her phone off the floor and left the room; closing the door behind her.

She walking into the living room to find he dad sitting on the couch with a mug of coffee, watching the news. He was dressed for work but he always took a few minutes to sit and drink coffee before leaving.

Ever since Elizabeth was six years old, it's only been her and her dad, Johnathan Ray Walsh. Elizabeth's mom left to go pressure a life she always wanted but never had. As if a loving husband and daughter wasn't enough. With much grief, denial and eventually closure, John realized that she wasn't needed anyway. Its been like this ever since, and they got by perfectly fine.

Elizabeth strolled into the kitchen. She packed fruit and apple sauce. She put her lunch in a plastic Walmart bag and shoved that in her school bag as well.

With all her things gathered, she kissed her dad goodbye, put on her black and white converse and trotted out the door. A gust of crisp, cool air swept over Elizabeth, the Autumn whether nipping at her skin. She ran down the long driveway, where the bus was just pulling up.

Looking down at her phone, it was almost 7:30 am.

"Talk about good timing." Elizabeth said, smiled to herself.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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