I Know Something You Don't Know...
Chapter One
They want me to write. I don't like to write. They say "it will help." Help what? I don't want help.
I want quiet. My room isn't quiet. I can't understand why they won't just let me have the white room. It's clean, quiet, and empty.
A lot like those "doctors'" heads. They aren't smart, not really. They just talk BIG. But They really just think small. Really small, microscopic minds.
Now mind you, I think. I think HUGE. But maybe that's just the meds talking.
Now I sleep.
Yesterday, they put me in the white room. It was so nice to be surrounded by the emptiness. The hollowness bouncing off the walls of my mind. But now I'm back here, being carted by Them to the chapel. It has an awful sign that says "Jesus loves you."
No. No he does not.
I'm cold. They took my blankets because my bitch of a roommate is a suicidal pussy.
But the official name is schizophrenia. But I don't see why they won't move one of us. But no. Instead, I'm cold.
And very near "catatonic." Just because I like the quiet, I've become an obviously a nonfunctioning human.
I just like to be alone.
It's visitation day and Mom is here with my sister, Sharon.
"I hate this place," whispered Sharon. Well Sharon, they hate you here too.
"Hush now, Sharon," she says in a hushed tone of her own, her face flushed red as she turned to me. "How are you Sweetie?" Mom asks, choking back a sob when I merely blink in reply. She waves the orderly over to take me away.
Except he isn't very orderly. He's actually a large, foreboding slob. His scrubs are wrinkled, his shoes are untied, and his hair is unkept. Not to mention, he's fucking Alice Marlinstan. She is a sex addict, and he is a readily available body that moaned, groaned, and had orgasms.
But sex has never played any major role in my life. I have knowledge of the opposite sex, don't get me wrong. But see, I don't enjoy it. What's there to enjoy about it? People acting like animals, it's disgustingly primal. I don't feel the urge to do anything of the sorts.
But that's not to say I've never done anything primal.