Ain't Nobody Got Time Fo Dat

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(Saturday 25/05/2013)

I wanna start with a “Wow.” Again but I wanna be a little creative so I’ll start with… Slay. I don’t know why though, so don’t please don’t judge me ;) My day was so… I have no words for it. I really don’t. For real. I woke up around 11am and went straight downstairs to make myself some breakfast; I ended up making myself a failed omelette burnt and everything. You know how I said I was the Queen of unwanted Karma, well today karma hit me for no reason… at least I would like to think it was for no reason because there is absolutely no reason for the 2 guys that are hated the most by me ,to be at my door with their mom asking to see something in the basement; as far as I am concerned they shouldn't even be stepping closer than 80km of my house. I guess the mental restraining order I have against them is not enough... *sigh*, there the reason why I almost was about to develop cancer this morning *bigger agitated sigh* all I wanted to do is put some butter in the pan and make an omelette and when I did karma struck cause the two boys and a lady walked straight towards my house and just as I finally ignored them for the first time since I moved to this GHETTO-Continuing-to-spend-money-one-doesn't-have-for-things-they-don't-really-need/-Deeply-in-debt place and suddenly it backfired ! As soon as the perfect butter quantity perfectly melted at great temperature and all that good shyte… they knocked… they f* knocked!!! I didn’t think twice or anything, I raaaaan I didn’t grab no shoes or nothing Jesus I just ran (… of course I brought my laptop with me in case they ended up staying a long time and I got bored upstairs , as soon as I got upstairs I ducked and HOWLED for my mom/someonethatisnotme to open the door and happily she open the door and escorted them to the basement!! I then litteraly calculated/estimated the time they would stay downstairs so I could walk/run/sprit downstairs make myself the omelette and run back upstairs, obviously I had to have a little faith in me if I was about to pull this stunt so I somewhat breathed f*edly and just started running down the stairs, I got to the kitchen said my goodbyes to my perfectly marinated pan and rinse the now burn butter pan that; Fun Fact: It can give me cancer *sarcastic emoji*; I whipped out the butter pot and put some in the pan… for the second time*ugh* it was just about perfect when I heard the downstairs stair case rumble as if someone was climbing it so I dropped everything and yes. You Guessed it. I raaaaan; Once I got upstairs I waited for about 5min to finally realize that they were still downstairs talking about the tv THEY want to have *smh-.-)* so I walked back downstairs to cry over the failed attempt to melt butter and sadly rinse the pan again as soon as I’m done I hear loud foot thumps thumping up the stairs and... I can’t even make you guys guess though… I raaaaan. As soon as I got upstairs they had put their shoes on and left, Yeeeeeesssssssssssssssss. I once again-gain repeated for the third time and the omelette turned into burnt scrambled eggs  *pout* see ITS F* KARMA MOFO’S!!!!!!

After the morning catastrophe I spend the rest of the time listening to Gone by Lianne La Havas and other great songs and kinda forgot about the disaster as I went by until… NOW!!!!!

I don’t know why but my mom decided to randomly be so nice and bring me to the mall but she did … We went to the shopping center where she bought me some pink wedges and a necklace for 42$ WOAHHH! Here I am just thinking wow this is a lot of money spent on ME! WOW. Let’s just say my parade was cut REAL short when she went on to go buy 23$ jeans and 123$ worth of M.A.C cosmetics *pulls hair out and screams in a frustrated manner* WHYYYYYY?!?! I swear my body flowed up the first escalator and down the second one where I could see the cash register registering the definition of GHETTO (Continuing-to-spend-money-one-doesn't-have-for-things-they-don't-really-need) and to sprinkle all that with more disaster I ended up subconsciously grabbing the recite and before I could even read it my mom tore it away from my hand and firmly said,

“You don’t control me”

I looked at her confused as if she was crazy and said,

“What, I didn’t try to read it!”

But I strongly doubt that she would acknowledge my excuse… Heck I don’t even acknowledge it! We got home and I quickly changed into my pajamas right after I came back from ONE OF my good neighbors were I asked for her sons IPod charger so I can charge mine, I plugged it into my computer and let it do it’s magic… and also today I learned how to illegally download music… ooooo. REBELIOUS. Now I got all my favorite tunes for free!

Anyways, I got to go tomorrow is a big day/thedaybeforemy3dayschooltripwithSeanyyyy ... I’ll have a lot to vintage blog about!!!! Can’t wait. Cya.


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