Invisible to popular thanks to angels

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Invisible to popular thanks to angels

I feel invisible do any of you get that feeling that you are sitting on the side lines while other people are taking your opportunities and your life away without knowing it ?

My name is Kirsty Greene and i am 15, apparently very pretty but my one downside is that i am and might as well be invisible. People just don't see me or maybe they don't want to.

I go to a small school in England and have friends .....but I don't know if they are my friends by choice or the fact that there is very few people in my school, anyways I would trade them for anything but even they don't seem to notice me.

I am going to show u how invisible I am

Last week we went on a school trip to a recycling plant.......the trip was okay and fascinating but the bus left me behind, then I had to get a lift back to my school. when I got there the teach said that she hadn't even noticed I was gone .i mean I am quiet but to forget about a student and not even notice they were missing is very bad.

But the worst story is my parents.

They forgot they had a daughter and left me for 2 weeks to go away. Every one of their friends thinks they don't have a daughter and have never bought me any presents and I do love presents.

I have been self dependent since I was 6 and have found I never really needed them, they would only ever come home if bills had to be paid or there was an emergency.

One day there was a loud knock on the door, at the door was a very beautiful women wearing a nice suit and had the most stunning blonde hair that flowed down to her hips, this lady was beautiful and I wondered what she was doing at my very run down house. She seemed to answer my thoughts without knowing it

"I am from social services" she announced, I gulped and wondered if she knew about my parents "we have reports that you are here living alone and your parents have left you on your own.Is this correct?"

what was I supposed to say, yes my parents have left me and get put in a care home or say no and then stay here in my little house invisible to the world until they came back later? I am tired of being invisible I thought to myself and answered her question timidly.

"Yes I am here on my own with no parents" I hope I know what I am doing I thought to myself

"Okay them miss Greene we have to take you away to a care home until we can find accommodation for you. Can you please go pack"

All I could think about was what have I done and who am I going to be adopted by?

Would anybody see me is what I was thinking?


Okay I hope u like this story guys should I carry on?

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