Jaqen H'ghar X Baratheon!Reader - Protector (Requested)

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You hated Arya being mad at you. She was one of your closest friends in King's Landing but since your uncle had died and your cousin had come to the throne she had hardly said a word to you, especially after Joffrey's decision to execute her Father in front of all of those people. After that you had been trailing behind her, speaking occasionally to try and get her to forgive you, though it seemed that she never would. You were both in men's clothing and your hair had been chopped short by Yoren. He knew that if he had left you behind then you would be questioned thoroughly about Arya's whereabouts, and the queen had never been your greatest fan. As the daughter of Stannis Baratheon, you had more of a claim to the throne than her own Bastard son and she had never like you hanging around with your dark hair and eyes which was so opposite to her own children.

"Arya, please listen to me, I am not my cousin and you can't hate me forever," you told her as you both stood alone in Lord Tywin's chambers in Harrenhall, though she simply turned away from you again. Tywin had of course recognised you immediately despite your disguise, he had grown up watching you play with his granddaughter Myrcella. As soon as he noticed you penned up, alongside another girl he was furious, pulling you from the men who now also knew your identity and checking you were okay. When he asked about Arya, you had told him that she was your handmaiden and he had taken her in with you. It was during this time that you were first separated, and you hated knowing she hadn't yet forgiven you for Joffrey's actions, begging her daily to listen to your pleas, though she never really did.

The next evening, you were alone in your chambers after protesting against Tywin's plan to send you back to King's Landing with Arya. If you went back, Arya would be in your cousin's hands like her sister and there was no telling what would happen to her. As you leant back into your bed, resting your head on the soft covers you let your eyes drift shut, tears slowly falling from them as you cried silently, something you had learnt to do whilst living alongside Joffrey's cruelty. You hated that Arya hated you, you had even heard your name on the list she spoke, of the people she hated most, right between The Hound and Joffrey. It truly hurt that she couldn't see past your family bonds and allow herself to see how sorry you were for what happened to her Father.

You rubbed at your crying eyes with your hands, trying to dry them as you sat back up, needing to actually get ready for bed but when you opened your eyes you saw a man standing in front of you, the same man you had seen when you were travelling with The Nights Watch. He was a dangerous criminal, or that was what the other men said. You had taken him food and water a few times and he had always been so kind and grateful to you. "Jaqen?" you question quietly and he simply nodded at you. "What are you doing here?" you asked him and he came into the light to kneel in front of you.

"I'm here to warn you, about Arya, she contacted me and has asked that I get rid of you, but I cannot. I fear that if I do not she might." Tears started to leak from your eyes again as you sat in silence, shocked to hear just how much Arya hated you, scared to be so close to the man she had asked to kill you. "You are a good person and I will not hurt you when there is no cause, but you must go back to King's Landing," he finally spoke again, shocking you out of your thoughts.

You nodded in agreement as you started to speak. "They will know I was with her, they will kill me like they did her Father," you told him and his face showed sympathy as he settled into his crouched position in front of you.

"Then you shall go to Bravos. If you need safety I will be there, at the House of Black and White. I will protect you," he told you as you stared at him. You had never been to Bravos before, and in all honesty the idea of moving to the other side of the world didn't appeal to you.

"My Father will be at Dragonstone, I can go there," you started softly, "but I don't know the way," you added and he nodded in thought as you finally thought of being back with your father, a man you hadn't seen in years.

"I will take you to him," he spoke again breaking your thoughts of your father, "and once you are safely there I will go to Bravos," he added and you nodded your thanks. "We will leave in the morning, you will not be safe here much longer." As he moved toward the door to leave you had a moment of panic.

"Please don't leave," you blurted out and he turned to look at you in question, one eyebrow quirked as he watched you. "She knows where I am, and if she realises you haven't killed me she might come looking for me," you finished and he gave you a small sympathetic smile, moving to sit in the chair at the end of your bed.

"I will not let her hurt you. Now sleep, we have many miles to travel to get you home," he told you and you smiled as you climbed into your bed, pulling the covers up around you as you drifted to sleep.

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