Chapter One

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Irene looked up at the huge mansion and blinked back the tears that were beginning to form in her hazel eyes. It was useless to cry over something that shouldn't mean anything to her now. But it wasn't easy. Getting out of the car, she sighed and walked towards the entrance of the house that she once called hers.

After ringing the doorbell twice, it was opened by Gerald, the butler.

Gerald looked at Irene and gave her a weak smile. He was almost sixty years old and Irene had always thought of him as her grandfather, especially since she never had one in her life and Gerald was always so kind and generous to her, treating her like his granddaughter. Irene was taken aback by his kind expression, but recovered quickly and returned his smile. She thought that he would've hated her, like the rest of them did and was glad that Gerald didn't hate her like she thought he did.

'They are inside the study Miss Irene.' Gerald spoke.

'All of them?' Irene asked with a shaky voice.

Gerald nodded. 'You best go inside, they have been waiting for you.'

Irene nodded and headed towards the study. As soon as she entered, several pair of eyes turned towards her. She stopped at the entrance and gulped. 'Hello.'

None of them answered. Everyone were present. Her husband Lucas, who stood beside the huge window with a glass of wine in his hands, her mother-in-law Laura who sat on the sofa beside her husband Antony, her sister-in-law Josie who stood behind her parents and lastly, Serena, her husbands best friend, who stood beside Lucas.

Feeling incredibly awkward,she walked towards Lucas and stopped a few feet away from him.

Lucas watched her every step, not even trying to hide the anger in his eyes. With one last glance, he looked away and pointed towards the desk. 'The papers are over there, sign them and get out.'

The harshness of his words made Irene's chest hurt, but before the tears could leak out of her eyes, she quickly went towards the desk and picked up the papers.

Ha! She thought bitterly. He had left her this mansion and two million dollars. Irene clenched her jaw, trying to hide her anger. How dare he think that she would want this mansion! And this money? He knew her well, that she didn't give a shit about money, she never did. She didn't marry Lucas for his money. She thought her husband knew her. Apparently, he does not, she thought sadly, looking at the divorce papers in her hands. All of the anger disappeared and left in its wake a huge amount of sadness.

She sighed and signed the damn papers before keeping it back on the desk. She turned around and looked at each and everyone of them. Her mother-in-law now had tears flowing down her eyes and did her best to hide them. Irene's chest tightened at the sight. Her mother-in-law had been her best friend and a dear mother to her. She couldn't bear to see Laura cry and went towards her, giving her a hug.

'It'll be alright.' Irene whispered in Laura's ear before taking a step back. She didn't know why her mother-in-law was crying. She should hate Irene, just like the rest of them do. But Irene found it confusing that Laura didn't push her away when Irene had hugged her. Did she or did she not hate her?

Irene looked over her sister-in law Josie that stood behind her parents quietly with her head bent down. She knew it was of no use trying to talk to Josie. She would take her brother's side, like she always did.

Irene met Serena's eyes and could see the glint behind them. Irene knew that Serena was probably on cloud nine now that Lucas wasn't married amymore and would soon dig her claws into him. Irene felt her heart break at the thought of them together now that she and Lucas weren't together anymore.

None of them spoke still and that made Irene very uncomfortable. The family that was hers until today, were already treating her like a stranger. They probably thought that she deserved it and much more. But Irene knew that she did nothing wrong and that oneday they will all realise what they lost. Her now Ex-husband would realise what he just lost.

With a tremble in her legs, she walked towards the door without glancing at Lucas. She couldn't bear to see him and not beg him to take her back. Irene feared that she would turn around and see him and look at the anger and loathing in his eyes that she knew was there.

But before she could completely walk out of the door, her eye caught her Father-in-law's gaze appreciating her behind. Antony then met her eyes and smirked.

Irene felt sick to the stomach and rushed out of the mansion, after saying a quick goodbye to Gerald.

The Image of her Father-in-law would always haunt her from now onwards. She wished she could've wiped off that smirk on his face but like many things that she couldn't do, she knew it was something she could never do.

It was because of him afterall, that she and Lucas were now nothing but history.

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