Chapter Seven

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                    As she lay there in her bed, Irene couldn't remember the last time that she felt happy. Life was a bitch, she realised, never granting her happiness and even if it did, it snatched it back right away. What right did she have to be happy anyway? Why did she have the nerve to be happy when Lucas came tumbling into her life? In a way, Lucas leaving her was a form of punishment. It was life's way of saying how dare she be happy after everything that had happened. She deserved this. She shouldn't have allowed herself the pleasure of falling in love and getting married, hoping for a future together. She had no right to live that life. She reminded herself after so many months of forgetting that she deserved to be left alone, without love.

But then why did she feel so relieved when she realised that it wasn't Lucas that was getting married, but rather his sister?

Irene sighed and got out of bed. It has been a week since that night when Josie had invited her for her wedding. Today. So many  times, Irene thought to not attend. After all, she wasn't one of them anymore. Why should she? But she knew Josie once, before the girl had turned bitter towards her. And that girl had been sweet. She was getting married for reasons unknown, but Irene knew no matter how much she didn't want to be in their presence, she had to attend. She had to be brave and face them all once again. A pit begun forming in her stomach, thinking about how she'd have to face not only them all, but even Anthony.

That man was the devil's reincarnation and had left his mark on her life.

She just had to steer clear of him and the others as well.

After struggling in the shower with her traitorous thoughts, she made her way towards the wardrobe. She didn't have anything to wear so Cassie had helped her out by taking her shopping. She didn't know a clue about wearing the right dress and it always had been a designer that had designed her clothes while she was still married to Lucas. She had been a small town girl and even though she had been wearing clothes an average person wouldn't have even imagined when she was married to Lucas, she still didn't know what to wear. She never cared.

Cassie had been shocked to the core when Irene had told her about Josie inviting her to her wedding. She didn't want Irene to go after everything that had happened between her and Lucas but Irene had insisted. She couldn't not go, after Josie had specifically invited her, no matter how cold it had been.

Cassie then beamed when she realised that she had to take Irene shopping.

And so, Irene put on a pastel pink sleaveless gown that Cassie had chosen for her. The gown hugged her curves, presenting her body she'd always hidden in large shirts and sweaters.

Irene felt naked. Her breasts filled out as usual, felt heavy against her dress. She had good assets, that Irene couldn't deny. But of what use were they when the only man that had touched and caressed them, was someone who now hated her very presence?

She sighed for the hundredth time and went to put on her make-up. After she was done with everything, she checked herself in the mirror once again and took a coat, heading out of her apartment.

She sat in a corner. No one would be able to see her and she wanted to keep it that way. From here, she could see them all. Lucas's mother sat with a grave expression as if she didn't want this wedding to happen.  His father wore a smile on his face, the complete opposite of what was on her ex-mother in law's face. Irene didn't like that smile one bit. It made her sick. Serena was once again beaming beside Lucas. Irene noted just how beautiful Serena looked in her purple gown and couldn't help but feel sadness coursing through her. Why dis he have to marry her when he could've married his best friend that looked so pretty? The thought itself didn't feel good but Irene had always wondered about it since the moment Serena had shown her true colours  to Irene. She glanced at Lucas and saw that he had an indifferent expression on his face. He looked good in that suit, thought Irene as she drank in his profile. What is he thinking about? Is he thinking about the time when we got married? Irene had so many questions but unfortunately, all of them went unaswered. She could see some of Lucas's friends  Josie's too. Irene remembered how she wasn't close to any of  Lucas's friends that were present today. The only friend of his that she had been close to...

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