Jensen Ackles || Midnight Snacks ||

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Isn't he just so beautiful? *sighs dreamily*



The time where people are usually sound asleep, and the soft voices of their quiet snores and breathing fills each house, and the weird nightly noises crickets make are the only thing that can be heard in the heart of the darkness.

But that wasn't the case for the Ackles household.

The household that consisted of the very famous Jensen Ackles, and his fiancée (Y/N)(Y/LN) was still busy, seeing as the beautiful (Y/HC) had the lights on in the living room, while sitting Indian style on the couch awaiting the return of her beloved fiancée from filming impatiently as he was running late, and quite frankly, she was becoming restless

And hungry.

She finally decided to get up after running the worst case scenarios in her pretty little mind, and get her herself a well-deserved snack.

Her bare feet padded softly across the burgundy carpet in the room to the kitchen, yawning softly as she rubbed her eyes like a newborn child would.

Upon entering the kitchen her eyes started searching for something that wouldn't take time to prepare, but will keep her tummy content, and then her eyes landed on a certain box.

The animal crackers.

There was only one problem though, it was on the top shelf in the kitchen, but when her stomach made an inhuman sound she grabbed one of the chairs standing nearby and made her way to the treasure.

Placing the chair beneath the shelf, she carefully stood up and tried to grab the box, at which she failed at doing, cursing Jensen for being such a freakin' tall giant that placed everything on the high shelves.

While doing so she had failed at hearing the front door open as Jensen stepped in wondering why the lights were still on up till now.

Now back to the cupcake in the kitchen that was still desperately trying to get the snack box that was seemingly life changing at the moment, as she made another attempt to grab it she had lost balance, and fell off. She let out a loud squeal as she closed her eyes preparing herself for the impact of the cold floor tiles, and wishing it had been the carpeted living room floor.

But the impact never came, but instead she felt the strong arms of her lover holding her securely, with a panicked yet amused look on his face.

"And what do you think you're doing?" he questioned as he gently placed her on the counter as he stood between her legs, running his eyes all over her body searching for any injuries in order to clean them up, and fortunately he found none.

"I got hungry so I decided to get a midnight snack" she replied with a pout on her face which he found absolutely adorable.

He chuckled, shaking his head, kissing her nose and made his way to her previous target, fetching it for her with ease, and placed it gently in her delicate hands.

"I think I deserve a reward" a little smirk played on his lips.

"A reward? For what exactly, placing the crackers on the top shelf and nearly getting me killed? Nope I don't think so." She taunted while quirking her eyebrow with an amused face.

"Nooo" he dragged out

"But for being your knight in shining armor and saving your cute little ass." He claimed with a smile on his face as he stared at his beautiful girl.

"I guess..." she sighed exaggeratingly

She leaned in and placed her lips on his soft ones, wrapping her arms around his neck as he held her close to him. They stayed like that for a while till they felt the need to break apart to catch their breaths.

"Let's grab the crackers and head to bedroom; you must be tired from staying up waiting for me." Moving a few strands of her soft (Y/HL)(Y/HC) hair out of her face.

Nodding her head, he picked her up bridal style and carried her upstairs as she hummed in content, snuggling into his warm embrace.

Midnight snacks were the best for sure.


Hello my beautiful cupcakes, so here's the first one shot.

It isn't that good but I hope you like it, tell me what you think of it in the comments.

Love you all ❤❤.

Dedication: thedarksideofwhite


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