Sebastian Stan || Mornings Like These ||

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Man those lips are gonna be the death of me.....

First request: someonewholiveshere 

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Just gonna put this one here

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Just gonna put this one here .....

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 Lying in bed was a beautiful Romanian brunet that had his arms tightly wrapped around a gorgeous woman's torso as he let out soft snores that the woman found absolutely adorable but would never admit it.

I bet you're all wondering who the hell we are talking - more like writing - about.

Well these beauties just happen to be Sebastian Stan and his girlfriend (Y/N) (Y/LN).

The blue-eyed Romanian was in a deep slumber, mumbling in his sleep occasionally about irrelevant stuff.

Though the same can't be said about the pretty lady, as she was laying wide awake in bed beside him, enjoying the view of the man lying beside her, seeing as he was shirtless and c'mon people have you seen him shirtless HE.IS.DAMN FINE, now back to our lovebirds. As the soft sound of his breathing and snores played in the background as her own personal lullaby while his chest was acting as her heater, she decided to check the time.

11:27 AM

Deciding on whether to wake him up or not, she realized that he has a meeting at 1 and therefore she'd have to get his cute little booty moving, if that was possible.

She shook him gently

"Babe, wake up..." muttering quietly while trying to get out of his death grip, but miserably failing, seeing as he was much stronger than he was and all that muscle isn't just for the looks.




"What?" he mumbled.

"Get up you have a meeting" she giggled taking in the sight of his morning hair and pouty face, her giggles caught him off guard as he sleepily groaned and opened his eyes, he sat up moving (Y/N) with him.

"Mornin' doll" he whispered kissing her forehead and adjusting his arms around her.

"Mornin' baby" still struggling to break free of his arms.

"Why so fidgety?' he asked with a cute little smirk playing on his lips, as he drank in her form, bed hair, sleepy eyes, his white shirt making her look more divine than she already is, and he wouldn't change a thing.

"I've been trying to get up for a while now but someone's been keeping me a prisoner" she lightly teased as he finally let go of her so she could get out of bed.

"Now I'm going to shower, and then after I'm done you're gonna shower and get rid of that morning breath while I prepare breakfast." Smiling sweetly at him as she picked out her clothes for the day.

"Why can't we just shower together and save water?" he questioned innocently but she knew him better than that after many years together he was still a cheeky bastard.

Giving him a stern look, he raised his muscular arms up in surrender knowing better than to mess with the woman before him.

-- Skip to breakfast by Lance Tucker shaking what his momma gave him--

(Y/N) was making some eggs to serve with bacon, waffles and orange juice, she felt arms carefully sneaking around her waist in order to avoid any accidents with the stove which they were no strangers, but that's a story for another day. Nuzzling his nose into the space between her neck and shoulders as he swayed lightly.

"Breakfast's almost ready" she told him while turning the stove off, wiggling out of Sebastian's arms once more placing the scrambled eggs in both their plates.

They had eaten breakfast in a comfortable silence which was a rare occasion due to the fact that they both have busy schedules.

Mornings with Sebastian were the best and (Y/N) cherished every minute they had together knowing that she was just happy he was there, and the bonus?

He was all hers,

and she wouldn't trade that for the world. She leaned in and captured his lips in a deep kiss, taking him by surprise, but she smiled as she felt him wrap his arms around her, as he was wondering how lucky he was to have this amazing woman in his life.

The meeting was long-forgotten, and Sebastian knew that his manager was gonna be up his ass for it, but he could care less.

He was just happy and thankful for the great life he has, and they wouldn't have it any other way.

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Dedication : tates_smile

because i love her so much ♥♥

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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