Episode 7: Competition

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     The two competitors shot off in a sort of teleportation beam. All the monitors around the room transitioned to black for a few seconds, as Fox and Falco got the display ready for the fight.
"The fight has most likely started by now, but we promise, you aren't missing anything." Fox announced. Then suddenly, the monitors sprung to life to show...Tony taunting at the right side of the stage with no Kirby in sight.
"What happened? What did we miss?!" Falco started. "Fox, we got a replay of that, right?"
"Oh yeah!" Fox answered, "Pit, play that back for us!" Then the monitors rewinded back to the beginning of the fight, where Tony was standing to the left of the stage and Kirby to the right. As soon as the replay started playing normally again, Tony sped towards Kirby in a flash and as soon as he made it behind the confused puffball, he turned around, grabbed him, spun in the air and threw him backwards. Kirby then flew off stage and lost within only a few seconds of the match. Under all the confused voices in the crowd, I heard Calvin whisper to himself, 2 seconds. A new record. He almost sounded impressed!
Then Tony and Kirby reappeared back where they started, in the middle of the room by the teleportation platforms. Then they walked back to their teams and sat back down.
"I say! I say! That was a fine match I you ask me!" Dedede remarked, "Teams! Select the next competitor you wish to send into battle!" Team Pikachu had again, planned beforehand and sent out Toon Link, who looked more than excited to be next. I think he even started singing but I couldn't hear over the crowd booing at the last match. Tony sent Calvin out next, in order to counter Toon Link's projectile heavy combat style.
"Alright, our competitors for the second match will be Calvin from Team Tony and Toon Link from Team Pikachu!" Fox announced, "The next match will take place on the Pirate Ship stage." Fox started, "The featured Pirate Ship acts as the main platform for the stage." And as usual, Falco continued, "This allows for many stage hazards such as tornados, large rocks and cannon fire to occur. Now competitors, please step onto the platforms." And once again, as usual, they send them off with, "Three, Two, One, Transport!"
Unlike last time, the monitors instantly flickered and lit up the room. It showed a typical looking Pirate Ship, with the mast acting as two extra platforms. The two fighters poofed into view at opposite sides of the ship, Calvin to the left and Toon Link to the right. Calvin shot off in an instant towards the already taunting Toon Link. The taunt started up a hoard of booing and moans from the crowd. It even got a, "Yeah, real mature." From Tony! It's usually Calvin that says it to him. Anyway, Calvin was able to pull off a quick dash attack before Toon Link was done taunting. Toon Link tried to catch Calvin off guard with a quick downward strike but Calvin was ready, throwing a new bomb straight up at Toon Link's face and landing an extra back-air in Toon Link's shock. Hitting the ground, Toon Link tried to surprise Calvin with a get-up attack but Calvin predicted correctly and jumped away, throwing his boomerang behind Toon Link. Toon Link ran up to Calvin, pretending to attack drawing out Calvin's shield. Calvin's boomerang had begun making its way back, attempting to catch Toon Link off guard but Toon Link had seen it earlier and jumped out of the way, doing a little backflip in the process.
Toon Link again taunts, erupting a volcano of angry audience members, but there was something a little off about Calvin, he looked...tired.
"I may be cocky but at least I've had mistakes to learn from." gloated Toon Link, "Like someone once said to me, 'You're starting to get sloppy. You put too much waste into your attacks until now." It sounded weird hearing wise words coming from some cocky kid. "Hey! That was my cool moment!" I hear Meta Knight complain from the crowd. Then, Toon Link begins making his way towards Calvin, causing Calvin to roll back in fear of whatever Toon Link had up his sleeve. Then suddenly, Toon Link ran at Calvin, scaring him into shield. Toon Link grabs Calvin, beggining an extreemly long combo, getting Calvin up to around eighty percent. The combo ended with Calvin being placed in center stage and Toon Link on the mast platform right above him. Toon Link seemed oddly calm, with some sort of aura around him. The background of the stage went all dark but I could just barely make out canon fire aimed at the ship, the first of them sending Calvin right in front of Toon Link. Then, out of nowhere, Toon Link strikes Calvin with a golden shot from his now glowing left hand and begins rapidly slashing at Calvin's weakened  body.  It all seemed extremely unnecessary since the canon should have been enough. Oh, and it was also the most powerful move I had ever seen some one do. Is this legal? I questioned. Finally, Toon Link finished, sending Calvin off to who knows where, ending the match.
"What in the world was that?!" I screamed at Tony.
"It's called a Final Smash." He replied, "All characters have one. It just has to be activated by something."
"And why wasn't the fastest thing alive quick enough to think of a way to tell me this simply?" I questioned.
"Well, er..." he stuttered, "We uh, didn't have enough time to tell you because the tournament was soon and you had a lot to learn?" I gave him a disappointed face but before he could say anything, Calvin and Toon Link teleported back from the fight. Calvin, like before, looked all tired as he wandered towards us. I wanted to ask what happened but Pikachu immediately spoke up.
"Hey! This isn't over chu! Next match is you and me!" And suddenly, my hands start to sweat.

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