Episode 4: Disscovery

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     I woke to see Calvin and a character that looked strangely like Tony, fighting on top of a building labeled: Drug Store. The two had tags above themselves with Calvin's being "gamingcals" and the other's being "Anthony". The only thing I could hear was the effect of the two striking each other although, they seemed almost robotic, as if being controlled. Calvin threw a bomb held in his hand in an attempt to launch the blue blur, but he ran under it, just fast enough to escape the incoming explosion. The slow landing from Calvin should have been long enough for Anthony to defeat him, but instead misses his up smash and gets slashed by Calvin, flying out of view, and out of the battle. Everything began to fade to black and soon, I was gone faster than Anthony.

     I woke up in my bed, to realize that I had been in another dream. It was now evening and I looked over at my lap to see a trey of batteries on a plate.
"You should get to eating" I heard Tony surprise me with at the door.
"Why batteries?" I questioned. "It's not like I a robot!" Tony had a shockingly shocked look on his face.
"You're not?!" He asked.
"Of course not!" I argued. Then, Tony sped downstairs, and came back with a half eaten sandwich. He tossed it to me with an smug look on his face.
"Shhhhh" He whispered to me as he tiptoed away. "Eat quickly!" And suddenly, as if on cue, Calvin screamed,
"THEN WHY AM I LAUGHING?!" Tony joked. Knowing that it was Calvin's, I stood up, with the plate in my hand and started walking out the room...then I heard sizzling coming from the plate.
     I looked down to see the plate slowly gaining a reddish look. I lifted the plate to see what was underneath. It was a long one sided blade, coming out from where my hand used to be. It glowed blue with what seemed like plasma. I could still feel my hand though, at a trigger...for something. I decided to lightly tap the trigger and...DOOWIT! A small yellow pellet formed and flew away from the tip of the blade which seemed to have drained a little bit of the plasma inside. CRASH! Uh oh... The pellet had shot through the roof of the hut... Great.
"What was that?" The two downstairs exclaimed, "Is someone trying to break in?" I decided, what better time to own up to what I've done.
"S-Sorry!" I stammered, "It was a accident!" And the next thing I knew, Tony had already fixed the roof.
     The next day, we decided to go train for the Smash King tournament. We found a good small grassy plain to fight in, and they tossed a sandbag dummy on the ground and announced "BEGIN". I immediately fell on my side, outstretched my arm and slid at the dummy, kicking it with the tip of my foot. It launched into the air and I jumped at it with a swift movement... And then I lost balance and fell. My left arm rammed into the ground, as I heard a small click! I lifted my arm to see what had happened and a red strip that had been on my arm, popped out like a piano key and began to expand into a shield.
"Cool." I heard the two fighters say in amazement. On the inside of the shield, there was a digital display with a message saying: Tutorial: Activate Hutahbah (Hoot-uh-bah). It displayed my helmet and the round earpiece on my right being rotated. Following the action pulled down blue tinted eye covers that displayed additional information on me and my surroundings.
"Cool!" I heard the two repeat, more excitedly. As the information started to appear, I could hear a voice that said
"Hoo-TAH-BAH". When the program finally finished loading, there was a very formal, butler like voice that greeted me. The program was meant to teach me beginning information on my suit and additional information during combat. It started off by teaching me how to activate combat mode. (In other words, how to activate all of my abilities at once) By turning my left earpiece, all of my functions would pop out instantly, which can be used in different ways. It also taught me that my shield can be used temporarily as a flying rideable board, although it only lasts for a very short time, only to be used as a recovery move. After I was done with Hutahbah, I turned it off because I wouldn't need it in the near future.
After I finished learning the basics, I started to train with Tony and Calvin again. I didn't realize before but they were really good and already knew quite a few things about what to do in different situations. We trained for a while but before long, we were ready.

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