Before Takeoff

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They were supposed to go to college/university in a matter of 3 months and 3 days. Luke and Blair only needed a year in university. They were finally ready to fulfill part one their dream.


One year, three months, and three weeks later...

Luke and Blair finally graduated. When their teachers found out what their age was, they freaked.

"FI-FIFTEEN!?" shrieked Ms. Mantle. "Tha-that's impossible!"

"Yeah," said Luke. "We're young. We know. It's not new. We are--"

"--Prodigies," finished Blair. "Our intellegence is not impossible. But the chances of seeing other children like us is--"

"Okay! Okay!" cried Ms. Mantle. "Just get to class."

University was a breeze. There were many projects with short due dates. Ridiculously short due dates, which annoyed the heck out of Blair, Luke wasn't as annoyed. He just wanted the teacher to stop talking because Luke already knew all these theories, formulas, the list continued.

Luke didn't care about popularity or cleaks, he was the cool guy in the background. Grades and keeping his cool were more important to him. Blair was smart but she was popular. She had friends and a cell phone. Both grades and social life were important to her, which would sometimes bother Luke.

Then the time came when they finally graduated from university at 16 years old. They were ready to go to space! The duo got to the space station, got through, and waited to go to Earth until they were finally seventeen.

The evening before the takeoff...

"Are you nervous?" asked Luke.

"No," replied Blair. "Why would I be? This is what I was waiting for. Too bad the research on Earth was so slacking and lousy. Because of their lazy job, even we don't know how the Earth is doing! We only know why everyone left, but not how the Earth is doing at this moment."

"Which is why we're being sent tomorrow. We were taught to fly rockets, we're leaving!"

And then the day came, at last.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2014 ⏰

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