"Reverse Crush"

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08.07.16 - 08.08.16


"Come on bro! You can do this!" Nino cheered quietly next to his blonde friend.

"I can do this... I can do this..." Adrien whispered, each time he repeated it louder than the last.

"That's the spirit, Adrien! Just walk up to her and tell her!" Nino crossed his fingers, hoping for it to work.

What in the world were the two best friends up to this time? Well, the DJ was trying to help his model friend to confess to a certain bluenette by the name of Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

Adrien kept chanting the same phrase over again in his mind:  'I can do this!'

As the boy was walking up to the lunch table that said bluenette was currently sitting at with her best friend Alya, he just had to stay frozen in his tracks.

Why, you may ask?

1) Many thoughts were running in his mind at every step:

'Will she return my feelings? Will she laugh at my face? No, sweet and beautiful Marinette would never do that, right? Oh no what did I get myself into?!?'

2) She had looked his way, flashing her signature smile at him.

He couldn't help but freeze and blush Crimson. His crush had just noticed him. The one person he thought that would never be aware of his existence, but then again, he was a model so pretty much EVERYONE knew about him.

Marinette looked at her blond classmate. She was both confused and weary of the boy's sudden stop.

'Is he afraid of me? Does he hate me? No, He didn't look angry or disgusted at me like Chloe does..." The girl pondered to herself.

"Adrien? Are you okay?" She asked him, concerned at his loss of confidence.

Unfortunately, she has no clue what she does to him. The green-eyed Parisian male felt that he was about to pass out.

She had just spoken to him.

"S-Sorry! I-I ca-can't do th-this!" He stuttered, running towards the hiding spot Nino was at. The blonde had never felt more embarrassed in his life- and he had to do a photoshoot semi-nude for his father's underwear line!

Marinette was confused to say the the least. "What was that about?" She looked over at Alya, wondering if she knew.

"Don't look at me. As hell if I would know." The ombré girl turned her attention back to her smartphone.


"Dude, what was that?" Nino was displeased at his buddy's hundredth fail to confess," You were so confident about it this time! Yet, you still backed out!"

"I said I was sorry, alright? I just c-couldn't do it." Adrien rubbed the back of his neck, face still red. He was both embarrassed and ashamed of himself.

They were currently sitting in their next class during the last 10 or so minutes of lunch break. They sat at their desk- which was located in front of Marinette and Alya's desk.

"And why couldn't you do it this time, Adrien?" Nino was growing tired of having the same
conversation with his best friend.

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