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Kris's POV...

"I'll stay on the couch until I can buy an air mattress," I say moving further into his house. I set my bags in the living room.
He laughs, "We're friends with benefits, remember?" He says still laughing. "You don't need to spend money on an air mattress! You can stay in my bed." I nod, I really don't want to argue right now.

I take my things to his room and set the down in the corner. I walk back down the stairs and sit at the counter watching him make dinner. For a split second I think it's Luke. I snap out of whatever kind of trace I was in. I continue to watch him. He turns around and smiles at my presence. He sets a plate of chicken in front of me. He comes around the counter and sits next to me. We don't say a thing while eating.

After I finish, Niall does the dishes and I go take a shower. I turn on the water and jump in. I scrub all the hospital off. I haven't taken a shower in quite a few days and I feel discussing.

I get out and dry off leaving me in a towel. I walk into Niall's room and grab my clothes. I change facing the wall. Once I am dressed I bend over and wrap my hair in a towel. I organize my things in the corner and then take the towel off my head. I put the towel in the hamper that is in his closet. I walk back down the stairs and sit on his couch next to him.

We enjoy the night not speaking much and watching movies. I feel safe with Niall, but no one else can help me right now.

One week later...

Adrienne's POV...

I wake up and feel sick. I run to the bathroom and empty my stomach. After that's over I feel a whole lot better. I walk back into my room and then turn around and head for Kristina's room. I open her desk were she keeps her song books. She took all of them, but one. I open it and on the inside is my name, with a note. Great, more notes!
Don't worry about me. I'm not looking to be found. I'm doing this to keep you safe. Above all, think of me when you are down. Everything is all going to be okay. Don't look for me. You know where I am. I'm okay!

What the fuck does she mean by that? I do not know where she is! I flip through the book and read the lyrics she wrote. I put the book back on her desk. She would never just disappear like that.

I walk out into the kitchen and make some waffles. I look at the calendar. There is a notification on my phone. It says end. Which means I would end my period today. I haven't go it! No. Is it possible? No! Morning sickness? That's what that was! No. No. No. I need to tell Kristina! I need Ashton! It's okay don't panic, just a human growing inside you. I need to take a test to make sure.

I run through Walmart searching for pregnancy tests. I grab three and go to the register with panic written on my face. I pay and rush out.

Beep. Beep. I look up at the third test. Positive. "No, no, no, no, no!" I cover my face with my hands. Ashton is the only one. I am pregnant with Ashton's baby. I sit in the bathroom and sob. My phone rings. I look at it and it's an unknown caller. I let it ring. I am not answering it. I sit and cry because I am panicking, not how I imagined my life.

The front door slams closed. My head jerks up. I slowly stand and move to the bathroom door. The test still on the counter. I slowly open the door and creep down the hallway. Someone with long brown hair sits on my couch. Their head in their hands. I tackle them from behind and they pin me on the ground within seconds. Their hair covers their face so I still don't know who it is, "Who are you?" I scream. "Get out!" I shout.
They move their hair and say, "That's not something you should say to the person who pays half the rent!" It's Kristina! It's only been a week and she returned!
"What the hell?" I say punching her in the shoulder. "Why did you just walk in you creep!"
"Because I pay the rent," she says causing me to laugh. She gets off of me and walks into her room. She looks at her desk and see the book. "Did you read the note?" She asks me.
"Yeah, what do you mean I know where you are? I have no flipping clue where you were!" I say.
"Look closely," she says picking up a few pieces of clothing and then walking to the bathroom.
I cut her off from going in, "You cannot go in there!" I say in a panic.
"Why not?" She asks pushing around me. She turns to the counter and her eyes widen. "What the fuck is that?" She yells the question.
"Listen, I just found out when you came in!" I say trying to calm her.
"Who's is it?" She continues yelling.
My face turns red and I begin to tremble, "Ashton's," I say.
"One of those dick heads!" She yells shaking the roof it seemed.
"You are so blind to what those dick heads do for you!" I yell back, "We tried finding you! We care! They left and it was just me! You left me alone! You're going to leave again and I am pregnant! You just don't care about anyone yourself! If you really did care you would stay here with me and protect me!" I continue to scream.
"I am helping you by not being here!" She screams back. I break down in tears and she grabs her things walking out of the bathroom and slamming the front door. I jump as the sound travels through my bones. I press my back against the wall and fall against it. Tears fill my eyes and drip down my cheeks. Kristina left me again. I have no one. I don't even have a job lined up yet! It's pointless to get one when I'll be leaving in a few months anyway! I pick up my phone and call Ashton.
"Hello?" He answers.
"Would it be a huge hassle if I got on a plane and flew to Australia to continue the tour with you? I can't be here by myself anymore." I say into the phone still shaking.
"Adrienne, I'm sorry, we can't have another person on the bus and I would want you with me. We already have one too many." He says. I can hear he is sad and angry at the same time.
"Who?" I ask.

Kris's POV...

I enter Niall's place and smell cookies. I walk into the kitchens and see he has oatmeal raisin on a cooling rack. They just happen to be my favorite. I take three and bit into them. I turn around and walk up the stairs to Niall's room. I place my things in the corner and finish my cookies. I go back down stairs and sit on the couch. He comes out of his office and sits next to me. "Can I use your phone?" I ask. He hands it to me.
"Who are you calling?" He asks concerned.
"Luke," I answer.
He snatched the phone from me, "Absolutely not! She doesn't know that you talked to him! Don't ruin it!" He stands up and races across the room.
"Niall! Give me the fucking phone!" I yell chasing him.
"No!" He says running from me, "What do you want to tell him anyway?" He asks.
"I need to ask him a few questions!" I yell.
"Fine." He gives up and hands me the phone.

I dial Luke's number and he picks up, "Hey Niall!" He says excitedly on the other end.
"Hey Luke, I really need to ask you a question." I reply. He goes silent.
"Give me a second." I here him walking and then I here a door shut. Niall stands in front of me mlooking into my eyes. He is a really big help through all of this. "What's up?" He asks.
"So, um, did you get the letter?" I ask.
"I love you too!" He spits out before I here the door open and skin contact. I hear yelling but I can't make out who it is or what they are saying.
"Luke!" I shout into the phone, "What's going on? Are you okay?" I continue shouting. I start to shake and become terrified. "Luke?" My voice becomes weak and I start to sob. "Luke?" I barely make a sound. My hands tremble and j continue to listen.
"Kris?" It's not Luke, it's a man though.
I choke down what was stuck in my throughout, "Yes?" I am still terrified.
The man on the other side laughs and then he hangs up. I give the phone back to Niall, "We need to pick up Adrienne, and get the hell out of here!" I tell him.
"We have about 24 hours," he says placing a hand on my shoulder, "Let's get some rest before we run." I nod and walk to his room where I curl myself in a ball under the covers. Chloe knows, she hurt Luke. Now it's Adrienne or Niall, or me. Really anyone could get hurt now.

Adrienne's POV...

I wake up in the middle of the night to my phone ringing, it's Ashton. I quickly answer and say my hello.
"Wanna get on a plane babe?" He asks happily.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I yell through the phone, "What happened to Chloe?" I ask him.
"She left. We don't know where she is, just a note saying she will not be with us for the rest of the tour." He says.
"Let me pack! I can't wait! I have something I really need to tell you!" I say excitedly. Yay! I am going to Australia with Ashton and I'll be able to tell him the news I am terrified about but I have gotten excited! Australia here I come! I finish talking to Ashton and get packing. I book a ticket and I am ready to leave in the morning!

I climb out of bed with a skip in my step because I am going to Australia and I'm gonna see Ashton! I ride to the airport and walk in. When my flight is called I get on the plane and sit by the window. I look out at the runway. I'm going to me a mommy.

Kris's POV...

I wake up a five thirty and jump on Niall. He wakes up and I drag him out of bed. We grab our pre packed bags and walk out the door. I race to his car and climb in the passenger side. He drives to my place and Adrienne's car is not in the driveway. I go into the apartment and she's not here. I panic. I have no clue where she is. I go to my bedroom and take my songbook from my desk. I leave locking the door. I climb back into Niall's car and I tell him what I found out. We start driving east. Please don't find us. Please, I never did anything wrong!

After six hours of driving we end up somewhere in Nevada. I don't know where. I just have a feeling we are safe. We pull into a motel and check in. We get to our room and Niall receives a call. We don't recognize the number but answer anyway. "Hello?" Niall says into the phone.
"Luke is in the hospital," An Australian man says.

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