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00 ; prologue
august 6th, 2014

ashton roamed the field he was in. he was currently at a late night bonfire with all his friends.

"ashton! get back here before you get lost!" his bestfriend michael scolded. ashton yelled back an apology and ran to him.

all of his best friends were dominant over him. ashton always listened to them, afraid that if he doesn't he'll lose them.

"okay, everybody! watch this man run into fire!" the host of the party screamed. everyone cheered and ashton bit his lip. wouldn't he get hurt? thought ashton.

a man that looked about twenty showed up and ashton stopped breathing for a second. he had breathtaking features.

he had the greenest eyes ashton seen. well, except for harry styles. he had short brown hair and plump lips. his skin was the shade of khaki shorts.

ashton couldn't believe this boy was real. the pair made eye contact and the mysterious boy sent him a smile that sent chills down ashton's body.

the older boy charged forward before jumping into the pit of fire. people cheered while ashton stared at him with a terrified look on his face.

he emerged from the flames with a smile on his face. his hair started to fall out and all he did was laugh.

"your hair is burning off!" ashton exclaimed. it started to disintegrate until it was in a buzzcut style.

"it's buzzcut season anyway." he shrugged. ashton allowed those words to stay in his mind, travel with him, and effect him for the rest of his life.

this book is inspired by lorde. it's also my first fanfic. don't laugh if it's bad. hopefully you enjoy.

and this is book one in the ashron series.

aaron carter reynolds is an imaginary character i made up myself. no, you cannot use his character without asking me first. it wouldn't be fair.

thank you for reading this.

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