Chapter Fourteen

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Jori tried to cover his nose with his tunic, but the smell was too overpowering. In the middle of the night, one of the abductors, who had had a little too much to drink, emptied his bowels next to the tree where Jori was tied up. Even worse than the smell were the sounds the man had made. It would be an interesting morning for the group.

After a sleepless, stench-filled night for Jori, the men awoke early. Jori opened his eyes as he heard one of the men start talking. For the first time during the day, he scanned the surroundings. They were at the edge of the woods, and in front of them lay an expansive, grassy plain with only one tree visible on the vast, expansive plains. Off in the distance, Jori swore he saw a figure just barely visible. He blinked and looked again, but there was nothing there.

He looked up as he saw one of the men walking towards him with the bag. As soon as the man came close enough Jori gave him a swift kick to the crotch. The man bent over as he yelped and fell forward dropping to the ground face first, right beside Jori, with his buttocks high in the air. Jori laughed hysterically, partly because of the pose, but also because it was the same man who had relieved himself right next to Jori's tree and his face had landed in last night's steaming pile.

The men who were packing up the camp looked when they heard Jori's laughter. They all walked over to see the commotion and began laughing themselves as they saw their pitiful comrade's predicament.

. . .

Soon after, Jori lay face down on the back of the horse again. This time he calmly watched the sandy path slowly crawl by underneath the horse's hooves. The smell of his shirt didn't bother him, even though the man had decided to wipe his face on Jori's tunic. Jori learned that the man's name was Duncan - now affectionately referred to as Dungcan after the morning's adventures. After seeing what had happened to their companion, they collectively decided that there was no need for the bag.

After three long hours of traveling, Jori's empty stomach ached from bouncing along the horse's rump. The men decided to set up camp and have the morning meal before continuing the trek. Arlon began clearing a place to sit and eat. The other two men, Gusataav and Dungcan unpacked the meal. Unlike the last meal, they didn't tie him down because there were no trees anywhere. Instead, he sat and ate with the other three men.

The small group sat in a little circle, eating the goose and dried beef. They also unpacked dried bread, which had also been served with the previous night's meal. They ate in companionable silence, except for Jori, who sat alert and cautious. After the meal, the men passed around a small flask of ale, each taking a generous sip.

When the meal was finished, they were back on the road. After a few minutes of being on the road, Jori adjusted to the canter of the horse and dosed off, getting some much-needed sleep. He awoke a while later. Looking up at the sun, he judged it was around two hours before mid-day.

Off in the distance, Jori heard a low humming. He tried to look, but the rider's leg was obscuring any view. The group, also hearing the sound, stopped and dismounted. The abductors drew various weapons from their saddlebags. Dungcan approached Jori and carelessly dragged him off the horse and in front of the group, facing away from them. Dungcan kicked the back of Jori's knees and he dropped onto them, bracing himself with his bound hands.

He cut his finger on a rock and was about to curse, but realized that this could help. He propped the rock up and began sawing away at the thick cords binding his wrists. Off in the distance he saw a ship, and the low humming became steadily louder. He inconspicuously sawed at the bonds, slowly cutting through them. By the time the ship began to land, Jori only had a centimeter left on the thick cable.

The ramp to the ship lowered, and a black armor-clad foot was visible. Slowly the man descended the ramp and his unique helmet came into view. It was triangular and had traces of gold trim throughout the armor. Jori, after seeing the full armor, realized who it was.

It was the man that had challenged him half a year ago. It was Ausar of Courtdale! This vile thing had been inside his home, had challenged him on his own turf. The black-armored knight had fought honorably that day, but resorting to kidnapping and hostages to get what he wanted? Not to mention the unspeakable rumors that had been circulating. Jori scanned the man over for a second time and he saw a strange sword on his back.

"Ausar of Courtdale!" Jori spat, "More like Ausar the Vile!"

"Courtdale does not exist. You should do better research my friend," Ausar replied calmly, walking towards Jori. By this point Jori had totally forgotten about his bonds.

Ausar drew the blade from his back and held it at Jori's neck.

"Magnificent, isn't it?" Ausar began, "I could describe my elaborate and complex plans and my end game to you, but closure is so overrated." Ausar finished, annunciating every syllable. Ausar brought the sword back preparing to behead Jori. Ausar began his swing and Jori lifted his arms, pulling them away from each other snapping the ropes, and catching the sword in between his flattened hands centimeters from his face.

For a moment, everything froze, then Jori heard a familiar whizzing sound, and a cry of pain behind him.


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