chapter three...

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OK guys heres chapter three. Comment and Vote

xoxo brooke ...

 'Here wear this' Elise said throwing some black material at me. I took a look at the dress. It was a very small black dress that left little to the imagination. We were in my room deciding on what to wear to the party tonight, Elise of course brought half her closet with her.

'No.' I said sternly.

'Fine. Wear this then.' She chucked a tight white dress with a black belt that would rest under my bust.

'Nope' I said dropping the dress.

'Well, it's this or that' she said in a stern voice that made me know that she wasn't kidding.

'Fine, the white' I said sighing in defeat.

'Great' she said smiling in victory. 'Now shoes.'

                                                                      - 15 minutes later-

'I can't believe that I'm wearing this. I look like a hooker!'

I looked into the full length mirror in my bathroom. I was wearing a bit higher than mid thigh white dress, the black belt lifter my bust and easily times it appearence by two. My long blonde hair hung free. I was wearing a pair of covered white pumps.

'No you don't' Elise said, 'You look hot!' She was wearing a black dress that hugged her slender waist and puffed out at her hips. She was wearing a pair of black covered pumps. Her hair was in a lose bun that had a few curls that stuck out here and there, but in the sexy way.

'What ever. Lets just get this over with'.

When we got down stair. Chase was sitting on my long leather couch watching a football game on TV.

'Hey you ready to go?' I asked walking over to the table where my bag was.

He turned around and his mouth fell open. His lustful eyes roamed my body. He was wearing a dark blue button down shirt with the sleves rolled up to his elbow. His washed down jeans hugged his butt perfectly. His hair was tossled in its normal messy/sexy way. All in all, he looked mouth watering.

'Er um yeah, lets go.' He said stuttering.

                                                                                                            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

You could tell when you were near the party, there was cars lined up two blocks away, you could hear the bass pumping from three blocks away and the strong smell of alcohol could be smelt from a street away.

When we got to the door, we were greeted by a giggiling blonde girl running around in a barly there bikini top and extreamly short shorts being chased by two jocks.

'Well, I'll give her one thing' Chase said looking around. 'She knows how to throw a good party.'

Every where I looked there was teenagers either; making out, grinding against each other or drinking.

'Well' Elise said, 'I've been here for at least ten seconds and I dont have a drink in my hand yet, so come on.' She said grabbing my hand and leading me to the kitchen.

I look over my shoulder and saw Chase starring at me.

Wait. Was he starring at my butt?

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