How It Started

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Chapter 1: How it started

Percy (POV)

We finished the Giant War, I defeated Gaia single-hand, and all of the 7 was alive. We found out about Calypso, and we helped Leo get her off her island.

It has been around 3 months since then. The horrible memories of Tartarus still burned in my memories whenever I closed my eyes. Annabeth seemed to be recovering, but I was still have troubles.

Speaking of Annabeth, me and her were growing apart lately.

I haven't been spending so much time with her cause I'm busy with Hephaestus who was helping make the perfect ring, so I could propose to Annabeth. I also did a quest for Athena to earn her approval, and I was successful.

I was currently on my way to invite Annabeth one a date for tomorrow, the same time the ring will be ready, then I will propose to Annabeth.

As I was walking, I noticed people were giving me spiteful looks. They glared, shook their heads in shame at me, one even spit at me. What is with everyone today?

I also noticed the my friends were completely ignoring me. Maybe Annabeth would know what's wrong.

I was heading to the Athena cabin, when I heard some noises in the woods. I became curious, and looked to see what the sounds were.

I was frozen when I looked to see a familiar head of blonde curls, with another guy. Annabeth was backed up against a tree, the guy was pressing his body against hers. They were in a heated make-out session, moaning through their lips.

"A-Annabeth!" I demanded. She looked up surprised. "Percy." she said exasperated, out of breath from kissing.

"What are you doing?" I demanded. She looked at me angrily.

"Only what you've been doing to me!" she replied angrily.

"What have I been doing to you!" I yelled back.

"Like you don't know." she yelled, before storming off, the guy in pursuit.

I was mad, no beyond mad. I was furious.

How dare she do this to me.

I stormed to go get her, when my path was blocked by Jason, Frank, Leo, Piper, Hazel, Thalia, and Nico.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"I can't believe you of all people would do that." Jason snarled. What?

"I thought you were different." accused Piper.

"Annabeth loved you, I can't believe you would something like that to her." Frank growled.

"You don't deserve to breath." Leo threatened.

"I can't even call you my cousin." said Thalia, looking down.

"I no longer consider you a cousin." said Nico, glaring.

Hazel didn't say anything, but her eyes said it all. They were filled to the brim with tears of betrayal and hurt.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about." I said mad and confused. They rolled their eyes.

"Don't play innocent with us." snarled Thalia.

Suddenly their was a bright flash, and the Olympians appeared. Athena looked mad, and Poseidon looked shameful.

"HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON MY DAUGHTER!" Athena screeched, Zeus held her back from lunging at me.

"What! I never cheated on Annabeth!" I defended.

"We also know that you have been planning on going against Olympus. We found these in your cabins." Zeus said holding up map of Olympus and notes in a different language. Those were mine, but I was using them to figure different ways Gaia was planning on attacking Olympus, not going against them.

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