Hating the Hollywood Hottie, and all the other stuff I shouldn't have to deal with. (Chapter 1)

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  "Ella Caldwell get up right now! Or you are going to be late for school. Again" My mother shouted.

     I groaned, and got up. As you've probabally guessed I'm not a morning person. Or for that fact an afternoon, evening, or any other time person. I mean I'm not "emo" or "goth" so I'm not anti-everything. No offense to them. 

I'm just not the happiest person in the world. Like Missy Slater. I mean why shouldn't Missy Slater be happy? She's rich, pretty, popular, and gets whatever she wants when she wants it. I mean if i had all of that I'm pretty sure I'd be happy too. 

     Me and Missy Slater were like toothpaste and Orange Juice. Except she was that really expensive toothpaste that everyone wanted, and I was the expired orange juice with the pulp so everyone ignored me. Kinda like after you had a sip of me your so disgusted by the after taste, that you need to go brush yourself with Missy. You know, to get rid of the torture you just had to endure. Missy, was high school royalty. She was pretty, and her dad could buy her whatever career she wanted. I didn't understand how Missy Slater, daughter of Elijah Slater, the famous movie producer, would be going here. Some random public school in the middle of suburban California, rather than some fancy prep school for other people like her. 

     If you've ever been bullied by anyone  girl (or guy) your parents have  given you some kind of Speach explaining how you have a bright furred ahead of you, and how the bully will be working for you one day. It tends to sound like this, "Honey, you know that there not smart, or good enough to so something with their life. But you are. So When your a rich lawyer, doctor, or president (for all of you who had parents that told you this was possible, wake up and realize, your not gonna be president!) and you go to buy a nice, new, fancy car you'll walk into the dealership and see that The person who bullied you is working at the dealership trying to sell you a car and now their  fat, ugly, greying, and balding." the truth to that speach is.... There is no truth to it. Most likely that person has gotten this far by kissing up to everyone around them. Which means they'll kiss up to their future bosses for raises, an promotions and they'll get them. But in other cases (like mine) they have incredibly rich parents who can afford for them to do nothing with their lives, and for them to have wieght loss procedures, and personal trainors, and dye jobs. So they'll be rich, skinny, successful, and have perfect hair!

     After I had gotten dressed in my usual jeans, t-shirt, and uggs, I grabbed my tote bag and lunch money and walked to my moms car, where she was already waiting. To drive me. 

    I know, I know. What 17 year old, senior in high school still has their mom drive them? Well for some unexplainable reason there is no bus for where I live, and we couldn't afford more then one car, so my mom drives me. This is one of the many reasons why I, Ella Caldwell have gone un-noticed for almost 13 years in school.  I'm pretty sure if Missy Slater looked close enough she'd realize that the little girl from "The Romantics" the one who kissed Kade Alder, when she was 4. Was me. Little ol' me. The girl who is invisible. 

    You might be wondering how I kissed Kade Alder. I'm not gonna lie to you and tell you it's a long story, in hope that won't make you ask again, so that I don't have to tell you. that would be a lie, considering it's a short story. I was walking the streets of L.A. When i was 4 with my parents (because mom had just gotten a promotion so dad took us to some fancy resturants in L.A.) and some casting director stopped us and said I'd be perfect for the part. Mom and Dad thought it was a scam but looking into it, they realized it was real. Short story, shorter: I got the part, came onto the set one day, kissed Kade Alder, met Jennifet Aniston (who played Kade's characters aunt) and left. I got payed like $1,000, which went to the college fund. And that's the story. I don't tell it because I don't care. Only my mom, dad, grandparents, and little brother Jeremy know. And that's how I want to keep it.

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