1: Dementor Attack

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Chapter 1- Dementor Attack

Alexis point of view

"Hey, Harry" I say as I walk into the compartment on the train to Hogwarts. Me and my friends were all third years at the Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Right now, I'm talking to one of my best friends, Harry Potter.

"Hi, Lexi. Hey, Ron" he says, talking to me and my brother, Ronald Weasley. He isn't my real brother, just adopted, but I call him my brother anyways.

"Hey, mate" says Ron as he helps me with my trunk, claiming that I'm too short. Him and Harry are taller then me and they flaunt it all the time.

"Were the muggles bad?" I ask as we sit down.

"Well, they still don't know we can't do magic at home. They were too scared to be bad" laughs Harry as the fourth and final person in our group comes in, Hermione Granger.

"Mione!" I scream as she enters. I leap up to hug her. Me and her are practically sisters.

"Hey, Lexi!" She says, hugging me back. When we pull away, she looks behind me and says, " who is that?", pointing to the man in our compartment, sleeping. I hadn't noticed him.

" I don't know" says Ron, stuffing his face with sweets with chocolate that Harry got him.

"First off, Ronald, stop acting like we don't feed you" I start. Ron blushes and rests the rest of the chocolate on his lap.

"Second, " I continue, " that's Professor Remus Lupin"

"Bloody hell, Lex! Did you turn into another Hermione over break?" Says Ron, who started eating again. I roll my eyes at him.

"No, his briefcase says Remus Lupin and he looks like a teacher" I say, but quickly add, " and there is nothing wrong with having another Hermione. Especially when you need help with your homework, Ron".

Ron gulps and looks to Harry for help. Harry raises his hands and says, "you dragged yourself into this, mate"

We joke around like this for a while until the train lurches to a stop. We look around in a panic. Professor Lupin wakes up in a hurry.

A shadow moved outside the compartment and then, it came in. A Dementor, I thought. Mum told us about them. They are the guards of Azkaban and they are super dangerous. One kiss and your lifeless, basically.

"Expecto Patronum" shouts Professor Lupin. Out flies from his wand a silver wolf. The Dementors flew away.

In all this "excitement", Harry passed out. I rushed to him and tried to wake him up. Hermione helped while Ron and professor Lupin went to check on the others.

"Harry, wake up" I whisper as he stirs.

"Lexi, Hermione, what happened?" Says Harry, fumbling around for his glasses. I saw them and handed them to him.

"You passed out, Harry" says Hermione, being the logical one.

"There were Dementors on the train" I add

Eventually, We get to the castle and were about to complain to a teacher about the Dementors when I see Dumbledore talking with Professor McGonacal and Professor Snape.

At sorting, Dumbledore told us that Sirius Black escaped Azkaban. Not good! He told us that the Dementors would guard us but that they would not come on school grounds. So, we trusted him.

Then, classes started and as usual, the teachers assign lots of homework. So, me, Mione, Harry and Ron all do our homework together. I was working on a potions essay when a small first year came up to us and handed me a note, saying, " Dumbledore told me to give this to you"

The note read
Dear Alexis Weasley,
Please come to my office tonight towards 8:00 pm
- Dumbledore
P.S. I like Acid pops.

Questions run through my head like
What did I do this time?
Why does Dumbledore want me?

I look up to my friends and show the note. As they read it, I say, "what did I do this time?"

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