2: Visiting Dumbledore

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Chapter 2- Visiting Dumbledore

I walk to Dumbledores office.

"Password?" Asks the gargoyle outside his office

"Acid pops, " I say and the wall behind the statue behind it opens to show a long hallway. I walk until I reach a door. I knock, nervous for what's to come.

"Come in" says Dumbledore and I open the door. The first thing I see is a Phoenix. I run to it and stroke it. Phoenix's are my favorite animal. Ever since Bill showed me one as a kid.

"Her name is Fawks, " says Dumbledore behind me. He continues, "and she likes you a lot"

"I like her, " I say, continuing to stroke her. After a minute or two, I stop. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?" I ask Dumbledore.

"Have a seat, ms. Weasley" he says, sitting behind his desk. I take a seat and wait for him to continue.

" I have information on your parents. " he starts and I squeal. I've been dreaming of this forever.

"Very exciting, I'm sure? But, I can't tell you who they are. All I can tell you is that you are allowed to mail your father through me, of course and that your mom has passed, I'm sorry." He says. I'm giddy though. I mean, I don't know my mom so why should I be sad? But, I do get to see my father.

" but, your mom did leave this for you" he continues, handing over a rusty old time turner. Charlie told me about them. You can turn back time with them.

" a old time turner" I say, skeptically.

"This time turner is broken. It only jumps back to about 30 years ago. In her will, she wrote that she wants you to see your father as a boy" says Dumbledore.

I was speechless. So happy, but a little confused. Why would my mom give me this, a child who she gave up to the weasleys?

"Thank you, professor. This is amazing" I say, finding the words.

"Yes, yes, your welcome, Alexis. But, I have a couple things to tell you. First, you need to use it once a week at least. It is old, you must use it once a week, ok?." He says and I nod.

"Second, I have a letter from your father here. Try to reply soon. I know he will love it" he hands me a roll of parchment.

"And lastly, come and see me once a week. I will send someone with a letter when. But, I need to see you once every week at least. Ok?" Says Dumbledore and once again, I nod.

"Thanks, professor!" I say, jumping up.

"Your welcome, Alexis" he says.

"Ok, bye, professor. Bye, Fawks" I call out behind my shoulder. I hear a chuckle before I head to the Griffindor common room.

I run up to me and Hermione room and see Mione laying on the bed. I quickly tell her everything, leaving out the time turner. I don't exactly want anyone to know, yet!

"Well, open the letter and write a reply" says Hermione, returning to her muggle book.

It starts, my dear daughter, Alexis.

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