4: First Kiss

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I wake up the next day, not realizing that I had slept. I brush my teeth and change into my uniform for my classes. My stomach growls and I decide to go eat breakfast.

"Hey, we came up with a good prank, " says Fred Weasley as I walk in.

"Oh, yeah. Try and impress me, " I say, folding my hands.

"McGonacal, " says George as I catch Harry's eye. He motions for me to sit with him so I start to walk over there.

"Georgie, we have to go." Says Fred and I look confused.

"Of course, Freddie. Make sure we don't interrupt Lexi and her boyfriend" says George. I roll my eyes and blush anyways.

"Just tell me later, k?. I say

"Kk" the twins mock me as I sit down next to Harry.

"Hey, guys" I say, grabbing a piece of toast.

We talk about random things, like quiditch while Hermione and Ron tease me and Harry, until the post comes. My owl, Ocean drops a letter on my plate. The name on the envelope says dad. I didn't think he would reply so fast.

"Why do you have a note from dad?" Says Ron. I blush and shrug my shoulders. He doesn't actually know I'm talking to my dad. Only Molly and Arthur and Hermione know.

"Um.... No idea?" I say and put the letter away. I catch Dumbledore's glance and mouth, thanks. He nods and I go back to talking.

I decide to open it on the way to DADA. Here's what it said.

To Lexi,
Your middle name is Jenna, but I can't tell you your last name just yet. Sorry!

As for Azkaban, I was framed. That's all I can tell you for now. I honestly wish I could tell you more.

I can't tell you who you mom is, but I can tell you that she was part Veela, which means so are y. But, don't worry. You only turn into one when you around other veelas.

I was in griffindor, too. So, congrats! It's the best and bravest house. I can tell from these letters that you should fit right in there.

As for Snape, me and James might have hexed him.... a lot. Not good,  it halarious. Call him Snivels for me, k?

I stopped here because it was time for class.

As I walked to class, I hear "Lexi"

I turn and it's just Harry. He looks like he is going to say something, but stops but doesn't stop walking.

He stops in front of me and leans down and kisses me. I instantly kiss back and we only pull apart when there is a cough behind us.

I spin and see Dumbledore.

"I just wanted to say, that Alexis, you need to use it tonight" he says, and I nod, blushing.

"Hello, sir" says Harry and I mentally face palm. They act like they saw each other at the grocery store, for goodness sakes.

"Hello, Harry. Heading to class now?" He says, with his eyebrow raised.

"Of course, sir" says Harry, with a big stupid grin in him.

Dumbledore walks off and I was going to as well, when I was pulled back into Harry's arms.

"Yes, Potter" I say, teasingly.

" Lexi, will you be my girlfriend?" He says, kinda shyly.

"Sure, Harry" I say, before walking off, when I realize we both had Lupin next.

"Well, are you coming or are you going to stand there with that big grin on your face?" I question. He smiles before catching up with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2016 ⏰

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