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I downed the last bit of Tequila and slammed the shot cup onto the glass bar table which earned me a round of applause, as well as some cheering and hollering. I looked at the group that had formed around me. About 20 people were surrounding me, all grinning at me. I stared through the open space between the crowd, towards the dance floor/ DJ area and spotted Britney Spears over by the dance floor, Rhianna, and Kim Kardashian dancing on a table without a top.

Just a typical Friday night at Paris Hilton's four story mini mansion here in New York City. The usual for an A-Lister like moi.

About 5 minutes ago I was challenged by ke$sha to down 5 shots of tequila, which is why there was such a big crowd. I sent a triumph smirk towards Ke$ha, pushing over the five newly filled Tequila glasses towards her and mouthing your turn.
Ke$sha downed the Tequila in less than a minute, beating my record of one minute and 4 seconds. I clapped my hands together, applauding Ke$ha. Noticing the odd looking man behind me that was trying to get a look at my boobs, I quickly said good-bye to Ke$ha and stumbled over to the more peaceful side of the bar because my head was starting to hurt and the creepy looking guy was freaking me out. I seated myself on the lime-green coloured stool and sent a flirty smile towards the young and handsome Bartender.
''I'll have a Strawberry Martini babe.'' I purred.
He grinned at me and I accepted the drink from him, sipping on the sweet flavoured drink. I ordered another 2 glasses, finishing them both.
I don't exactly remember what happened after that because by then, I was completely wasted.
I stumbled along the white carpet, carrying a bowl of alcoholic fruit punch in my arms and trying to maintain my balance in my 6-inch Jimmy Choo stilettos.

Not exactly the easiest thing to do.

Ignoring the protests and cries from the people that I was pushing as I made my way downstairs, I finally made it to the front entrance where a bunch of paparazzi were trying to get in, pushing the security guards and snapping photos of a nearby Avril Lavigne.

Still carrying the bowl of punch, I stumbled over towards the doors and down the marble steps. The paparazzi turned their attention towards me with looks of shock and excitement, running with flashing cameras and asking me a bunch of questions. Their loud voices increased my headache and they were getting pushy--like always. A bunch of paps ran down the sidewalk, trying to get near me. A pap managed to push a security guard away and nearly push me over. I stumbled on the cold marble steps, losing my balance and spilling the bright red substance all over my dress. I shot the pap a dirty look but he didn't seem to care. He only wanted a picture of my now visible bra and underwear.

''Valerie, is it true you and Tyson broke up?'' A pap asked, blocking the security guard's arms.

Tyson is my Calvin Klein model boyfriend and has been for the past 8 months. I don't plan on breaking up with him anytime soon.

''Do you mind confirming the rumours about your father and his new secret girlfriend?"

Seriously, where do they come up with this stuff?

I ducked underneath a pap's camera and made a run for the car but there were too many, and I couldn't get away from them. The paps were surrounding me and I noticed Kate Moss about 10 feet away who was also trying to get out. She wasn't being pushed by the stupid paparazzi and I instantly became envious. Don't get me wrong, I love the spotlight but right now, I just wanted to get out.

I pushed my way towards her, stumbling in my heels and tried to hide behind her.

What are you doing?'' she snapped, her English accent thick and currently pissing me off.

''Let me through.'' I hissed back.

Instead, she pushed her prominent boned hips towards me which caused me to bump into a pap. This, of course caused the paparazzi to go crazy. I felt my face heat up and me being drunk wasn't making it any better. Being the wasted and stupid person I am, I pushed her back...


She stumbled in her own eight inch heels and fell backwards, into a big pot of Gardenias. The paparazzi went even crazier and began snapping photos of the scene like madmen (a term I learned while in London for a fashion show).
''Valerie! Are you pregnant because you seem to be putting on a lot of weight.'' said a pap, who obviously didn't care about Kate Moss and preferred to taunt me instead.

I shot him the dirtiest glare I could muster and answered him with a bunch of profanities. A security guard came up behind the pap and pushed him away. This was too much and I just wanted to go home.

I felt sick and exhausted so while everybody was at the doors, I stumbled towards my limo that was waiting for me by the curb. I saw a pap running behind me so I picked up my pace. This, of course, caused me to trip in my heels and fall to the ground.

I looked at the ground not bothering to get up, examining a small weed that was forming in the sidewalk crack. I was drunk and didn't have the energy to get up. I traced my fingers on the pavement, the rough feeling uncomfortable beneath my skin.
I felt a cold wind on my butt and realized that my lacy Victoria Secret thong was in full view. I steered my head back, trying to look at what was happening behind me. The paparazzi spotted me on the ground and left Kate Moss lying on the steps and ran towards me...Again.

Before I could do anything, I felt a pair of strong arms lift me off the ground and throw me- rather harshly- into my limo.
I passed out a minute later.

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