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''What the fu-''

''Valerie!'' Mandy yelled, cutting me off. I can tell she's angry because her forehead vein is popping out and she's breathing heavily. I wouldn't be surprised if steam started coming out of her ears.

''Stop arguing with me and let me explain,'' Mandy spoke, her voice creepily calm.

For the past 10 minutes I have been non-stop yelling and swearing, trying to comprehend the fact that my stupid publicist wants me to date Harry Styles. I already have Tyson Bloom, my boyfriend. I would never leave Tyson, especially because Tyson and I's relationship has been going on strongly for a while and I'm proud to say were doing great. I don't want the immature British singer to ruin my first real relationship.

''I haven't even contacted your management team so it's not for sure.'' Mandy added.

''I swear, if I have to leave Tyson for Harry-''

''If the team were to ever accept, you will have to break up with Tyson. And no, you wouldn't be allowed to date Tyson secretly.'' Mandy said.

''But like you said, its not for sure.'' I said in a mocking tone, smiling evilly at Mandy.

''Valerie. I am not in the mood for your childish behaviour. You can either shut up and go along with everything or let your reputation and career go down the drain.'' Mandy said, continuing to finger brush her hair.

''This is stupid!'' I yelled.

''Your attitude is stupid!'' Mandy fired back, narrowing her eyes at me.

''Bitch.'' I muttered under my breath, playing with the hem of my skirt.

''What was that?'' she asked with a knowing look.

''Nothing.'' I snapped, standing up.

I picked up my clutch, adjusting my skirt as I got up to leave.

"Where do you think your going?" She asked.

I stuck my middle finger in the air while swaying my hips as I walked out of the room.

"Valerie! Get back here!" Mandy yelled.

Ignoring her yells, I walked down the hall and towards the elevator. Mandy was running down the hall after me, nearly stumbling in her heels while yelling curses. I pointed my finger at her and laughed out loud just as the elevator doors were closing. Blowing her a kiss, I stepped in just before the doors closed.

I let out a sigh of relief. Staring at myself in the mirror, I frowned. What if I do end up having to date Harry? Even if it's for publicity, I wouldn't be able to do it. It would cause me lose Tyson and that's the last thing I would want. Sure Tyson is a bit cocky and spends too much time partying or at the gym "building a better physique" but he's still my boyfriend. I wouldn't want to risk losing a real relationship in order to publicize a fake one. But at the same time, my career is at risk and dating Harry Styles might be the only way to solve the situation I'm currently in.

Stepping out of the elevator, I walked towards the entrance of the building. The blonde at the desk waved at me but I only frowned at her. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her scratching her neck, looking flustered. Good. I hated her. Everything about her annoyed me. Her honey blonde highlights, the bright pink lipstick she always wears and that large red coffee thermos she brings to work everyday. I don't know why she bugs me, she's just one of those people you just naturally dislike for no reason. But she's not the only one. I hate a lot of people for no reason.

Slipping my sunglasses back on, I flipped my hair over my shoulder and walked out. I can already tell this day won't be good.


"Come on babe. It will be fun. Everyone will be there."

"I already said no Tyson. I have to be up early tomorrow and I don't want any distractions. Plus, Mandy will freak if she finds out I went to a party that had alcohol."

"Since when do you care about what she thinks?"

"Just drop it ok? I already told you I'm not going." I sighed, sitting onto the black L-shaped couch.

It has been two days since I last went to Mandy's office and I haven't received a single call from her. But I'm not complaining. It's much more relaxing when she's not around to nag at me. I'm just worried Mandy might be in her office right now, talking to Harry's publicist about her ideas. I really don't want to do it. A little part of me is telling myself to go along for the sake of my career but Tyson... I don't want to lose him.

"Well you have nothing to do tonight. Why spend your Friday might home alone when you could be out partying. I heard there are going to be some big names there too." Tyson said from the other end of the couch, immediately turning his attention back to the film.

It's 4pm and I am currently at Tyson's bachelor pad watching 22 Jump Street with him. I have watched this movie atleast 5 times but Tyson loves it so I just sit through it for his sake.

I propped my elbow onto the arm of the couch while twirling my hair. Scanning the modern black and white themed pad, I noticed a brand new Mac laptop sitting on a glass table, untouched. Tyson is always losing his stuff and has to constantly replace everything. Sighing, I nuzzled deeper into the couch, taking a deep breath. The couch smelt of Hugo Boss, a smell I have grown to love. In fact, this entire pad smells like cologne (except the bathroom which smells like Tyson's aftershave and mango hand soap)

"Come on Val. It will be fun. I know your probably worried because of what happened at Hilton's but I'll be there! You don't have to worry about getting drunk because I'll make sure your by my side the whole night and I won't let you humiliate yourself." He turned his body to face mine, placing his hand on my leg.

"I don't want go to the party because I don't feel like going out. Not because I'm worried I'll get drunk again."

"Well would you rather we stay here and do something else?" He asked, inching closer to me.

I only stared at him, not knowing what to say. The real reason I don't want to go to the party is because I just can't. I don't know why but my last encounter with Mandy has been replaying over and over and in my head and being in a loud, crowded environment would only make my head hurt and my thoughts run wild. As if I haven't already been thinking too much lately.

"No, just go to the party by yourself, you don't need me to go with you. Nothing you do or say will change my mind, your only wasting your time. Just go."

Tyson sighed, sitting back. He finally agreed, nodding his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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