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click on the external link for Valerie's outfit. <<<<<<<<
''How could you be so careless?!''
''You're starting to bug me and yelling isn't making my killer headache any better.'' I snapped, shooting daggers at the short, 30 year old blonde in hot pink stilettos (obviously knock-offs). I rubbed at my temples, and ran a hand through my hair.

''Could you maybe postpone this meeting for when my head doesn't feel like a hammer is banging against it?'' I asked, pulling myself over to the edge of my king-sized bed, kicking my comforter to the side.

''Where are your clothes?'' the oompa loompa asked, eyeing my bra and thong.

''Up your ass.'' I said through gritted teeth.

Instead of waking up to the face of my pug, Hugo, I woke up to a very red and angry looking Mandy; my publicist, unfortunately. She had me awake at nine in the freaking morning and started yelling at me the moment I opened my eyes, ranting about my inappropriate act last night.

''Language!'' Mandy yelled.

''Whatever. I don't care.'' I grunted.

''Of course you don't care. You never care. That's why you ended up in this situation.'' she exclaimed.

''What you did last night was irresponsible. Do you have any idea how much this could ruin you?'' She continued, narowing her big brown eyes at me.

When I met Mandy, the first thing I noticed was her bird-like feautures. Long thin nose, big brown crazy eyes, short body and loud high-pitched voice. I nicknamed her 'birdy'. I brought up the fact that she resembled a bird once and she flipped out at me, saying I was rude and unaware of people's feelings. I thought I was being honest.

''Get out of my house!'' I yelled, throwing a pillow at her. It hit her head, ruining her ugly, badly dyed hair. I chuckled to myself, ignoring her furious look. She immediately patted down her hair, trying to fix it (it has been, and always will be ugly).

''I expect to see you in my office at 10am sharp. No excuses.'' She huffed, giving me one last death glare before stomping out of my room, her heels clacking against the tiled floor.

''Who let her in.'' I mumbled to myself, walking to my en-suite bathroom, water bottle in hand.

I opened the mirror cupboard and took out the bottle of painkillers, popping one into my mouth and swallowing it down with water.
I took off my underwear and bra, throwing them into the near-by hamper before stepping into my large glass shower. After a relaxing shower, I quickly got out, only to see that the time was 9:40AM.

Oh well, it's not like I care.
After brushing my hair, moisturizing my body and applying makeup, I walked over to my closet, skimming through the varieties of clothing pieces I owned. I decided on a black mini skirt, a white crop top and a pink statement necklace. I pulled on my black strapped pumps, leaving the house with my clutch and Dior sunglasses. I took one deep breath before exiting my house and into the hot sunlight.
Time to face the wrath of my publicist.
I stepped out of my car, leg first, in a sexy manner and slipped on my sunglasses. I sent a flirty smile towards the paparazzi who were taking photos of me like there was no tomorrow.

''Can you please explain yesterday's incident?'' asked a random, grey-haired pap, shoving a mic into my face.

He needs a breath mint, I thought to myself. I crinkled my nose in disgust, pushing the paps to get into the building.

''Do you feel guilty about pushing Kate Moss?'' A large women with frizzy hair asked.

Absolutely not. She deserved it.
I ignored their questions, my smile now set into a thin line. With the help of security, I managed to get into the building safely. Ignoring the receptionist's 'Good Morning!', I fast-walked into the large glass elevator. I inspected myself in the mirrored walls, wiping the smudged lipstick below my lip and fluffing my hair.

I checked my phone; 10:08AM.
With a sigh, I walked out of the elevator and down the hall, into Mandy's office. It was a large rectangular office with a view of Town Square. It has floor-to-ceiling windows, a white painted wall, red leather couches and black modern furniture. There are expensive art pieces hanging on the left wall ( the only wall that isn't glass) and fake plants in the corners. There is also a picture of Mandy and her friends in Australia (she looks hideous in her tight blue cotton dress) on her desk.
Mandy was sitting on her leather computer chair, sipping a cup of coffee and flipping through an US Weekly magazine. Her office smelt of lavender and coffee, her favourite scents.

''What do you want?'' I asked, wanting to get straight to the point.

''Well, hello to you too.'' Mandy's nasally voice spoke up.

''If you're going to lecture me on the importance of 'proper behaving' and 'acting mature' then I don't want to hear it.'' I sighed, seating myself onto the black cushioned chair in front of Mandy's desk.

I pushed my sunglasses to the top of my head and placed my clutch onto my lap.
To be honest, this isn't the first time I have done something to ruin my reputation. I have swore at the paps more than once and started plenty of drama. And we can't forget my amazing scandals with my ex boyfriends, married/taken guys, and that one photographer that manages to snap a photo of me leaving a hotel. The media eat it all up, the same way I eat up all the attention.

As bad as the problems were, my management and publicist team always managed to fix all those problems and make me look like America's sweetheart. The media is that stupid.

''I am arranging a meeting with the rest of the PR team to help settle this issue. But it might take a bit more convincing because the media is getting a bit suspicious,'' said Mandy.

Even though I don't pay much attention to what the media say, I know that they aren't that stupid.

''I do have an idea in mind though. An idea that we haven't used yet and will surely sky-rocket your career and fame.'' Mandy added.

I leaned in closer, curious as to what she had to say. Like I noted before, fame and attention (and my modeling career) is all I care about. If her idea helps me with either of those three, then I'm in.

''I haven't discussed this with the team yet, so it's not for sure. But I'm pretty sure the PR team will love it.''

Even though Mandy is my main publicist, the PR team are still in charge of my publicity and have a say in what I can and can't do.

''I'm going to try my best to make it work because it's a brilliant idea that will surely help you with this situation.'' said Mandy, refering to the problem I caused at Paris Hilton's party.

Mandy's eyes widened with excitement and I can tell it's going to be good. Although I hate Mandy, I will have to admit, she's quite clever when it comes to this stuff (something I will not admit out loud). I usually agree to everything she says because her plans almost always work.

But Mandy's next choice of words wasn't what I was expecting at all.
And I didn't like em' one bit.

Mainly because when Mandy wants something, she will try very hard to get it. She's stubborn, like me. And I'm pretty sure this idea is going to pass. I don't know how or why, but I have a feeling it will.

''You are going date Harry Styles for publicity.''


Please excuse my lack of knowledge with agents and publicists and all that publicity stuff. I don't know much and I'm doing the best I can! If you do notice any mistakes, please feel free to let me know.

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