Mine: (I.Q x Submissive Reader) [Lemon]

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*So in this one, I.Q will be going DOMINANT. And the reader is now submissive. Meaning she is the one controlling how every move goes along, heh. This is also a short lemon, so don't expect much. K thanks!*

She pushed you onto the floor roughly, her hand gripping your neck as she glanced at you with furious eyes. You reached for your knife when she stopped you, slamming her knife into your hand as a blood-curdling scream erupted from you.  She had every reason to kill you, as did you have her. "Fuck you!" You snarled. She looked back at you, removing the blood stained knife and, once again, slammed it hard into your shoulder. Her ocean blue eyes relaxing as she pushed her knife deeper into you, almost satisfied at how much pleasure she earned by doing this.

She raised the knife again and placed it on your throat, her anger rotting away as she felt pleased killing you. "Do it! Just fucking kill me already, huh! Do it, you bitch! DO IT!" You shouted at her. Tears welled up in your eyes, closing them and merely accepting your fate. Then her knife pulled away, and you opened your closed right eye, inspecting her. "...I know why you're like this..." She started. You looked back at her, "W-what are you talking about..." You muttered. You could see her anger fade away, and instead saw a different side to her: Compassion.

"Monica... I'm so sorry-" She cut you off, embracing you with her lips as her hair nuzzled your head. She hugged your back, pushing you onto the floor as you both continued to kiss. Her nonstop affection unlocked a different side to both of you, and it was sexuality. Her right hand danced along your crotch area as she pulled away. She palmed at your ever growing erection, carefully rubbing it when she got a chance. Your whines escaped your lips, as she lifted your pants to reveal the motion hiding below your belt. She placed her hand under your layers, her hands working on your member as chills ran up and down your spine.

You moaned loud, enough for her to smile. "Quit teasing..." You panted. She kept twirling her fingers around, pushing at nearly several of your nerves, causing you to moan even much more louder than before. You began whining, until her lips crashed onto yours. She kept palming at it no matter what, until eventually you came. Her warm body pressed harder onto yours, as you were the only one here moaning. She bit your neck, her fingers racing up and down your back. She whispered sweet nothings into your ear, as you prayed her relentless teasing would come to a stop.

"You're mine now." She whispered. 

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