Chapter Five

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Sorry for the long wait!

Huffing and puffing, I run into a clearing. I've been running for two hours, my legs feel like jelly and my lungs are burning. Sitting down, I take in my surroundings.

I'm sitting on top of a small, mossy tree stump. Rotten stumps and logs are scattered all around, making it seem like a wooden wasteland. I can see the black sky above me and a bunch of clouds. The ground is wet, signaling that it had rained a little while ago. The air feels thick and sticky.

I listen to the chirping birds for a little while. It's so peaceful here. Sighing, I pull out the satchel that Ashton gave me. I might as well see what's inside.

Undoing that buttons that hold it closed, I try to guess what's inside. A weapon, maybe, and possibly some food.

Finally, the satchel pops open and I dump its contents on the ground. Grabbing what I see first, I pluck a butter knife out of the pile. Butter knives can be used as weapons if they are handled like one. Trust me, I know that for a fact.

I spot a note on top of some fabric. Picking it up, I begin to read it.

I packed some clothes for you since you aren't wearing good running clothes. Good luck.
-Ashton B.

I let a smile creep onto my face. It's true, a nightgown is not the best thing to be running around in. My gown kept getting caught on branches while I was running. Unfolding the clothes, I realize that Ashton packed my favorite blue shirt along with a green jacket and black leggings.

After tossing on the clothes, I pick up the last item that was dumped out of the satchel. A water bottle. Thank goodness it's already filled up, I'm super thirsty. I haven't had anything to drink all day!

"Why hello there! I've been looking for you!" Whipping my head around, I take notice of a very tall man behind me. I bolt upwards and grab my knife.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I question him. "Why are you here?"

"My, my, my. You are just full of questions now, aren't you?" He says with a sick smile.

"Just answer the questions!" I say, jabbing the knife towards him.

"Is that how you greet a guard? That's not very nice. You do know that disrespect and rudeness can be punishable by death, right?" He raises his sword and glares at me.

Ramming into me, he grabs my butter knife. I feel myself being knocked to the ground and the wind is knocked out of me. Rocks dig into my back as I try to take deep breaths.

Regaining my breath, I throw my legs out and kick my attacker so that he is now on the ground as well. I stand up, pounce on top of him, and start to throw punches. I need to get that sword!

Soon, I'm under him. Barely dodging a punch, I decide to try to grab his sword. I begin to reach my arm out, but the guard leaps away from me. He collapses onto the ground and writhes in pain.

"You're a monster! A monster!" He shouts at me. My eyes widen as I realize what has happened. Looking down at my hands, I see that flames are sputtering from my fingertips.

Tears start to pool in my eyes as I rush over to the man. "I'm so sorry..." I let a sob escape me. Looking at his unmoving body, I realize that he's right. Tears escape my eyes as I come to a conclusion. I'm not a normal person. I'm a monster.

-Three Hours Later-

I spent one hour grieving. I know, I didn't even know him, but I can't handle the fact that I had killed him. I've always been someone who prefers protecting others, not harming them.

After grieving, I had decided that I should keep moving. So here I am, two hours later, lost in the woods.

Looking to my right, I see trees, bushes, trees, and some more trees. On my left I see trees, bushes, flowers, some more flowers, MORE flowers, and a small hut.

Sighing, I keep on walkin- WAIT! Small hut? I swivel on my heel and gape at the hut before me. Shelter? What if the person who lives inside is after me too?

I take a cautious step towards the hut. Then another. And another. Soon I'm in front of the door, raising my fist to knock.

Suddenly, the door swings open, hitting me in the nose. "Ow!" I shout in pain. Ugh, I'm always getting hit in the face by doors.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you!" A woman cries out. "Here, come inside, I'll get you some Healer's Tea." The woman ushers me inside and sits me down. She leaves the room, supposedly to get the tea.

Her house smells nice. Taking a big whiff of the air, I smile. I hear a chuckle and turn around.

"That's the herbs you are smelling. Lavender and mint, I keep them around my house." She gives me a warm smile and hands me some tea. She grab some for herself and sits down across from me.

"Thanks a lot, I'm Haven."

"I know!" She replies.

"I'm sorry, what?" I'm so confused, how would she know who I am? We haven't met before, have we?

"I mean, I know who you are. I saw you in my crystal ball yesterday. I'm Marcy the Witch!" My eyes widen, a witch?

She's not going to hurt me is she? Did she poison my tea? Is she going to turn me in? Can she help me find my dragon? My mind is filled with horrific thoughts as I stare at the woman in front of me.

"No, no, no, and yes."

With a confused look on my face, I reply. "What do you mean?"

"I was answering your questions. I know you have a lot more, but right now you need your rest."

We abandon our tea as she leads me over to a bed and gently pushes me down. My eyes are closing and I'm drifting off into dreamland when she says seven words. Pushing her brown hair out of her face, she whispers in my ear.

"Life is more complex than it seems."

Hello my darling unicorns! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
QOTC(Question of the Chapter):
What's you favorite ice cream flavor?
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