Chapter 2

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We talked for little while about our high school experiences and family. I told him about how no boy had really ever liked me and he told me about how all the girls at his high school wanted to be with him but he never really had genuine feelings for any of them and how he started making youtube videos. I felt like I could connect to him even though we had never met before. Before we knew the teacher came and told us what we could do to help her out around the class.

Mazzi and I hung out at lunch and talked some more. He was the only guy that actually understood me and tried to get to know me. After the kids got out of school and I was on the way to my car Maz stopped me and asked if I wanted to go on a date with him. I started to feel my cheeks get hot and tried not to show that I was so happy. But I couldn't keep myself from smiling.

"yes" I said laughing and hugging him.

"I'll pick you up on Friday at seven,"he said.

"Ok I can't wait,"I said still in shock.

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