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Brooke's POV

"Laura, do you know where my phone is?" I asked, frantically searching the house.

"Uhhh, no. Ask Derek!" She hollered from the other room.

"Derek! Have you seen my phone?" I ask approaching him.

He pulls it out of his pocket and hands it to me.

As I give him a questioning look, he responds with "I wanted to know what 'the Twitter' thing was."

Him saying this threw me into a fit of laughter. In return, I get a deep low growl.

"Dang sour wolf. Take a joke." I say, slapping his chest.

"So, I was thinking about starting school." I tell Derek right as Laura walks into the room, causing them to stare at me curiously.

"I mean, you guys homeschooled me in New York. And by homeschooled, I mean giving me a 40 problem algebra worksheet and telling me to do it."I add with a scoff. They didn't know how to teach, therefore I learned nothing.

After the fire, Derek pulled me out of school. He didn't want the hunters to find out that someone had lived from the fire, other than Uncle Peter. I was 10 when the fire happened, sitting at home playing with my twin sister Cora. The fire came out of no where, and I ran. I ran into the woods. I thought Cora followed me, but I looked back and they were all trapped in the house. Derek came a few minutes later with Laura, and told the cops that everyone died. All records of me say deceased.

A few months later, we moved to New York for a fresh start. Laura was the Alpha, and all was good. We decided to move back here just about a week ago.

"Well I don't see why not. It'll be good for her!" Laura signals the last sentence to Derek, who is giving her the death stare.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I run over, pulling them both into a hug.

"We will get you enrolled sometime tomorrow ok?" Laura assures me.

"Kay." I tell her, leaning on a chair and getting on 'the Twitter'.

"I'm gonna go out. Take a jog around the preserve. I've kinda missed it out here." Laura tells me and Derek.

"Just be careful ok?" Derek asks her.

"Okay, dad. I'll see you guys when I get back!" She shouts from the door.

I look at Derek right as I let out a huge yawn.

"Why don't you go to bed. I'll wake you when she gets back." Derek suggests.

"Okay. Night." I say, giving him a quick hug and laying out on the couch.


"Brooke wake up! Brooke!" Derek shouts, pulling me out of my sleep.

I panic, jumping to my feet. My vision gets blurry from the fast movements.

"What's wrong? Did the hunters find us?" I widen my eyes, looking to my panicked brother.

He shakes his head, "No, it's Laura"

I take a deep, shaky breath. Tears form in my eyes, and I blink rapidly to keep them from dropping.

"Where is she?" I ask

Derek stands up from his seat next to me, motioning me to follow him. I hesitantly push myself off the couch and walk quickly after him.

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