08 ➵ enlightened

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My mother tied me up to a tree next to where Edmund was tied up. Mother tied a piece of cloth around my mouth so I couldn't talk to anyone.

I looked at Edmund as he was looking at me. His bottom lip was bleeding and a part of his cheek was yellow. It's infected.

Then, Ginnarbrick, the dwarf came towards me.

"You're such a disgrace, Silveena. It's good that your mother took your crown away, you were never the right one to be throned as a princess. You're weak. You should've chosen our side instead of the loosing side. It's a shame that neither of your parents never wanted you." Ginnarbrick said. I knew he was trying to get me angry. The last one kind of triggered me, but I won't let myself get to him too easily.

Ginnarbrick chuckled and slowly made his way to Edmund. I was scared for him, so I began shuffling around. Ginnarbrick looked at me for a second and then at Edmund. I was shaking and trying my best to get out of these chains..... But it was useless.

"Is our prince uncomfortable? Does he want his pillow fluffed? Special treatment for a special boy! Isn't that what you wanted?" Ginnarbrick teased as he shuffles his coat on him. I wanted to tackle him and break his little legs, but I know I could do so much worse.

It's been probably an hour or two since Ginnarbrick gave Edmund and I a visit. He's really cringy and annoying.

Out of nowhere, a wolf came running back. It was one of the police. But behind him were centaurs, cheetahs, and fauns with weapons. There was this one centaur that cut Edmund loose.

"Wait, what about her? She has helped Peter and them." Edmund said referring to me. The centaur looked at me and back to Edmund. The centaur broke my chains and I took the cloth of my mouth.

"C'mon we have to get going." The centaur said. He took his hand out for Edmund and pulled him up on his back, and then at me. I sat behind Edmund and I had my hands on his shoulders.

As the centaur and the others were turning around, we had to fight some off. I saw my staff laying against a tree with my crown sitting on a white pillow. I hopped off the centaur with Edmund calling out for me.

"I just need my stuff." I said to him. I grabbed my staff and crown and went running back to another centaur whom had his hand out for me. I grabbed it as he pulled me on his back.

I started slaughtering some of the warriors in my mother's side as we were leaving this camp. I have never killed anyone my whole life.... My whole 75 years of living.

I have another thing about me that I haven't mentioned. I can age to whatever age I've lived to be. I can make myself look 12 or 40. But I've sticked to 16 because that age makes me look young and more flexible.

"Aslan....." I said as Edmund and I walked to him. He stared at both of us and smiled a little. He was a lion.... I truly didn't expect that. I've never seen him my whole life. That's how you explain the lion descriptions on the tools that Father Christmas gave us.

"It's good to see you again, Silveena." He said as he took a couple steps in front of Edmund and I. I had a confused expression in how we have never seen each other.

"I've never seen you before. Though I wished I have, but I don't think I have ever." I said as I tilted my head.

"You do know the purpose, right? Or has Jadis never told you?" He asked. It took me a second to think about this whole thing. That's until..... My eyes widened.

"Y-you're...." I began, but I couldn't finish my sentence.

"I'm your father, Silveena." Those words that have come out the great lion surprised me. Aslan is my father?

"But... I just..... I didn't expect that at all." I said as tears of joy began to crawl down my cheeks.

"Come here." Aslan said. I ran to him and hugged him. I felt his fur and the warmness he carried. I feel so.... Enlightened.

"Edmund...." Aslan began. I stopped hugging Aslan and looked at Edmund. He didn't say anything. He looked sad.

"Edmund, I forgive you for your actions. You were fooled, you didn't know what was coming." Aslan said. His voice was calming and low, but in a soothing way.

"I'm sorry, sir. It's just.... I just think that I've disappointed you." Edmund said as he looked down.

"Never have you ever disappointed me, young one." Aslan said. Edmund gave him a half smile and then looked down.

"Edmund!" We heard from below. We all looked down to see Susan, Lucy, and Peter looking up at us.

Edmund, Aslan, and I walked down and walked towards the Pevensies. I didn't know what to say. All I've noticed was Peter staring at me with awe.

"What's done is done. There is no need to speak to Edmund about what is past." Aslan said and walked off. Everyone was silent for a second.

"Hello." Edmund said to them. I smiled to them instead of saying anything.

Lucy and susan hug Edmund and he hugs them back with a big smile. Peter looked at them and then at me.

"We were uh.... I was worried about you." Peter said to me as he scratched the back of his head.

"Well I'm here now... I guess there's not much to worry about now." I said to him. I looked up at his blue eyes and smiled.

"How are you feeling?" Susan asked Edmund.

"I'm a little tired." Edmund said. I couldn't imagine how tired he was. Being kept as prisoner for my mother would probably be the worst. Even though I was a prisoner for her also for about a couple hours, it was still horrible.

"Get some rest," Peter said. Edmund looked at him and gave him a nod as he started walking off to a tent.

"And Edmund..... Try not to wander off again." Peter said and we all chuckled.

The Pevensies were eating breakfast as I stayed in my tent. I didn't feel like eating. I didn't want to go out because I just wanted some me time.

Out of no where, I saw a little figure come running in. I looked down and it was Misha. I gasped and kneeled down to him.

"Misha! Oh, how much I've missed you!" I said as I began to hug him. I felt my eyes watery as I hugged him tightly, not too tight though.

"Silvieeee!" He said as he licked my cheek. I broke the hug and held him up to my eye level.

"Tell me why I see that you are growing?" I said as I examined him. Misha does look like he has grown an inch. He looks bigger than the last time I saw him.

"I don't know, Silvie." He said in a sweet voice. I smiled and hugged him again. I put him down and I began to stand up. I noticed my satchel on the hammock that is supposedly mine and went through it. I took out the blade that Father Christmas gave me and walked out my tent with Misha behind me.

"C'mom, Misha. Let's see what this blade can do." I said and then walked off to the practice area.

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