10 ➵ enemies

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I held onto my chest in where my heart was located. It hurt. It hurt really bad. I didn't make any noise or too much movement because I didn't want Peter to wake up and ask questions.

I've never felt such pain. I'm not wearing my crown at the moment, but I don't want to put it on because I've wanted to know what a heartbreak feels like. Even though it's a bad thing. I've never heartbroken. Yea, I've felt pity for the people that my mother has killed, but I never felt hurt about it.

That's when a breeze came in. It soothed me down as I felt the leaves pass through my cheeks.

I felt a jolt next to me and noticed that it was Peter with his sword drawn out. I opened my eyes to see a woman shaped form in leaves.

"Fear not, my princes and princess. I bring grave news from your sisters." The woman of leaves said. I gulped.

"I know." I said as a tear slid down my cheeks.

It took Peter a while to come out the tent. I was with Oreius and Edmund outside planning for the battle later today.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all kinds of scared for this. I've never fought in a battle and I never saw myself in one.

"She's right. He's gone." Peter said as he came out the tent. He's been talking to the dryad for about 10 minutes making it feel like hours since we have no idea what we are doing without Peter.

"Then you'll have to lead us. Peter, there's a whole army out there and it's ready to follow you." Edmund says to him.

"There's no one else who could, Peter." I said. He looked at me and then sighed. He began to examine the map that was sitting on the table.

"I can't." Peter said with worry in his voice.

"Aslan believed you could. And so do I." Edmund said. Peter looked at him and then at me. I gave him a small smile for a little comfort.

"The witch's army is nearing, sire. What are your orders?" Oreius asked Peter. He then looks down at the map. He must have an idea. Hopefully a good one.

The gryphon flies over Beruna, the battle field, and lands beside Peter.

"They come, your highness. In number and weapons far greater than our own." The gryphon says. Peter gulped.

"Numbers do not win a battle." Oreius says probably to lighten up the mood or to just justify a fact that isn't always true.

"No, but I bet they help." Peter says looking at the horizon.

"Peter, it's going to be fine." I say to him as I step in front of him and put my hand on his shoulder. He looks down at me and smiles.

"I don't know if I should be glad you're here or worried." He said with a chuckle. I placed my hand on his cheek and he closed his eyes as he smiled and caressed it with his shoulder even though his shoulder pads are metal.

"I don't want you getting hurt." He said with sorrow in his eyes.

"Don't worry much about me." I said.

"But I.... I just have to." He said. I had confusion on my face.

"Why so?" I asked.

"Because.... Well, because I-I like you... Like a lot actually. And if you die...-" I cut him off before he said any more nonsense. I cut him off by kissing him.

My first kiss. Peter Pevensie's my first kiss. After 75 years of living, I've, for once, kissed someone. I didn't know what to feel. So much emotions erupted in me. I wanted to stop, but I couldn't. But either way, I had to. I guess that I found love where it wasn't to be.

I parted the kiss and stared up at Peter's eyes. He smiled and then glanced upwards and his smile quickly dropped. I turned around and saw the white witch and her army behind her. Peter then looks behind him and sees Edmund, than back to me.

"It's time." He says. I nodded and hopped on Oreius as Peter hopped on his unicorn. My heart was skipping a beat and my legs were shaking a bit. I had a gut feeling and my stomach was turning into knots.

But I had to do this. It had to be done. More people from Jadis' side reveal and I gulped. This is going to be one hell of a fight.

"Are you with me?" Peter asks Oreius.

"To the death." Oreius responds.

"For Narnia! And for Aslan!" Peter yells. Our army cheers and both Oreius and Peter's unicorn lift up and we begin riding forwards. I turned to Peter and he turned to me. I gave him a nod and he returned it.

I looked forwards and held my staff tight. I'm ready.

A second later, everything went down. We began the battle and we started slaughtering anyone in our way that wasn't in our side. There were too many, but we didn't care.

Since I was on Oreius, it was easier for me to fight some of my army's enemies. I'm up and they're down.

Peter then gives out the signal to Edmund since there are too many. Then, I see a Phoenix fly towards us and lits on fire. It then parted my army and Jadis' army apart with a force field. It didn't take long until Jadis broke the force field and came through. Her army started going to us and I was at the point where I'm probably going to die now.

"Fall back! Draw them to the rocks!" Peter yells. Most of us do as we are told and Oreius makes his way to the rocks. By that time, arrows were being thrown but not at us, at Jadis' army.

As Peter comes by to us, his unicorn was hit by an arrow. I looked up to see that it was Ginnarbrick. That stupid dwarf. I hopped off Oreius and ran to Peter.

"Peter! Peter, get up!" I said as I helped him up.

"Thanks." He said. I gave him a nod and started fighting the ones who have decided to throw their weapons on me. Honestly, those lessons that Maugrim has given me back then were actually useful.

After a couple seconds, I hear Peter yell Stop. I finished one of the enemies and saw Oreius pass through Peter and I with a rhino beside him. The rhino did push off some enemies but tripped and started rolling. Then, a beast held onto Oreius, but Oreius stabbed two swords on the beast's back making him fall. Oreius pulled out his long sword and went after Jadis. It wasn't long until she turned him to stone.

I tried making my way to Jadis, but there were too many coming my way. It was hard to fight with too enemies at once.

I finished one enemy and then I finally finished the other. I then noticed that Jadis was right under me. I jumped from the huge bolder I was standing on and my staff made connection with hers.

She gave me a smirk making me angry. I swung my staff at her, but she ducked. Her staff and I were going at it until she moved too fast and sticked the magical ice in me.

"I'm sorry." Was all I heard from her.

"Me too." I last said. The last thing I saw was Edmund jumping in the fight with the witch of my mother. I am now stone.

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