To the death

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I looked at the other ghoul and she ran at the humans left of us. As she ran I went for the other ones. I leapt on ones back and he fell easily. Then I dug into his back and started to rip out his guts from the back. Just as I lifted them to my mouth I heard two large steps then a sharp pain went through my shoulder and I screamed. I turned on her fast and hit her with a swift strike to the right side of her jaw. It broke easily and she flew. I stood up blood oosing from my open wound and I winced as I moved my arm. She stood there fists up and ready to fight. She ran at me taking out her kagune and slashing at my stomach. I jumped over it and took out my kagune. I slashed hitting her from the head down to the feet then landed. I looked up at her as she slowly fell in half the guts falling onto the floor and blood splattering everywhere. As fast as I could I ate some of one of the humans then I got pulled back into the cell that I was in before they left the body's and the woman said "NOW FOR YOUR CHAMPION PRISONER 752 VS PRISONER 926

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