Get up,! Get up,! Get up!. We are going to miss our flight kids! Dad i don't wanna go , said Ron. KIDS GET THE HELL UP! Why cant mom start waking us up for now on?! asked Sarah. Kids if you don't want me to scream in the morning then get your lazy buts UP! Pete groans ( one of the kids). Okay i'm going to pack with your guys mother. If i Come Back In Here and you guys aren't dressed Sarah ill take your phone , Ron ill take your Ps4 away, And Pete ill take your Swag tron hover board all away for one month Straight! Okay? (The kids poped up and said okay dad!) (Dad Walking To Moms and his room) Hey babe, all ready to go? Yes brad, let me just put some make up on. Okay ann. I'm going to the car ready to go the Air Port. Okay babe. (10 minutes Later) Brad Walking to the kids room) You kids ready? Yes dad ! Okay kids lets get in the car. Okay dad. Ann the kids and I are getting in the car! Come out when you are ready! Okay Brad! Ron thought, Dad woke us up early when we are ready before mom! I'm gonna Go Cr- (Mom get's in the car) Okay babe, kids, out journey to Colorado Begins! Woo! Said the kids. (On the car ride to the air port) Sarah Hope there's no ghost in the house were staying in...SHUT UP PETE, why in the world would you try to get me scared? For fun! Sarah thought, (He's lucky I can't beat his small but! (Five days later) ahhhh, finally arrived at Colorado! Wow this place is great said Ron. Yeah Ron, its good to travel new places. Okay let's rent a car. RENT A CAR, RENT A CAR, HERE! ONLY FOUR HUNDRED! Ann there's a car renting company.... Yeah babe, check it out. We Would like to rent a car here. ( Brad giving all information) Okay Kids, Pick out the Car. Yeah! hollered the kids! Be safe kids! (Thirteen minutes later) Dad, Mom stepped up run, we want this car. (Shows dad the car) .Okay kids, Done lets get it! ( red convertible). ( forty-five minutes later). Okay Ann, kids, we arrived at 666 Don't Street. Hey babe why is our house have no neighbor's? I don't know. But we arrived! Ron, i call top floor! Sarah reacting NO i get top floor! No you don't! Kids! Stop fighting! We will re- arrange the rooms and get them figured out. Brad, kids, let's see inside!!