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You have been sending in self tapes for a new movie to a casting agency and they keep sending you more sides and asking for more tapes. You've gotten a lot of good feedback from your agent and she seems to think you might book a job finally. Your phone rings and it's your agent, she tells you that they have the part you've been auditioning for narrowed down to you and one other girl, but they want to see you both in person before choosing. She explains that the casting company will be flying you out to LA for the weekend for a screen read with one of the main characters who's already been casted.

The next day you pack your bags and put on your comfiest semi-cute outfit: black leggings, white converse, red sweater, and a green army jacket. You throw your hair in a messy bun and quickly apply minimal makeup to make yourself look more awake. You say one last goodbye to your family as they wish you luck and hop into the Uber to head to the airport. You're super nervous, this is only your second time flying ever and you were too young to remember the first time.

As you take your seat next to the window, you decide its best to distract yourself from all the nerves and pull out your lap top to edit a few You Tube videos you've been working on. After a few minutes someone sits down next to you but you try to ignore all things around you for the time being. Suddenly you feel the plane starting to take off and can't help but look up and panic a little. You pull out your ear buds and grab on to the arm rest and the seat to your left as you close your eyes and brace yourself.

"First time flying?" you hear a familiar voice say. You look over through squinted eyes to see the one and only Cameron Dallas. "Uh, yeah kind of, I mean I flew once to LA when I was younger but I don't really remember it." You stutter back to him. Luckily he thinks you're nervous about flying, which you are, but mostly you're nervous because you have a 4-hour flight next to the guy who's been your celebrity crush since you were 14. He shifts his leg a little to get comfortable and you realize you were gripping his leg and not the seat. "Oh! I'm sorry, I thought, uh..." you barley get out as you move you hand to the arm rest. "Hey, calm down," he says as he grabs your hand with a warm smile on his face, "it's gonna be okay."

After one long and awkward minute, you finally calm down a little and let out a big breath, and glance out the window. This makes you nervous all over again and you unconsciously crush Cameron's hand. He notices and he gently turns your head toward him and starts asking you all sorts of questions to distract you and keep you from looking out the window. He asks things like your name and where you're from and where you're going. Turns out he's headed to LA too so you guys will have a layover together and now a 9-hour flight together.

Eventually you let go of his hand and tell him thanks for calming you down. He says, "it's no problem!" "Man, my friends are not going to believe who I sat next to on the plane," you say with a giggle, and he just smiles and then he says, "neither will mine," and he winks. Then you go to work on editing some more and coincidently he does the same. You both look at each other's screen and then at each other and laugh a little. He asks to watch your video so you let him and but only if you can see his. Half way through his video you bust up laughing because he's covered in peanut butter and Jaxx is licking it off in slow motion. He's laughing too to now and pauses the video. You look at him and say, "now this is why I'm a fan, you are hilarious!"

He continues to edit and watching the same clip over and over starts to make you drift off to sleep on his shoulder. About a half hour later, you feel Cameron carefully put his laptop away and slide his arm around you, and you smile to yourself as you both fall asleep.

All of the sudden the announcer comes on the speaker and wakes you two up. "We will be experiencing some minor turbulence, for your safety, we ask that all passengers return to their seats and fasten their safety belts, thank you!" You shoot up and freak out a little but Cam doesn't seem to be bothered. He just chuckles at you a little and you shoot him a dirty look.

Once the turbulence is over you relax and Cam reaches into his bag and pulls out a few papers stapled together. Immediately this makes you think of your script and you feel a wave of nervous excitement take over. You think this is a good time to read over your lines so you pull out your acting folder. He looks over at you and teasingly says, "copy cat!" You respond, "I'm not a copy-cat, you just gave me an idea!" "Y/N, that what copy cats do," he smiles at you and then looks at your folder. He notices the headshots you have in the clear front pocket. "You're an actress?" he asks. "Yep! I'm actually on my way to LA for a final call back!" you tell him excitedly. "No way! Me too, I actually had to leave MAGCON for the weekend for this new movie. I'm already casted in it, but they need me to read with a few people to see who has the best on screen chemistry." He explains. "Would you maybe want to run lines with me?" you ask him hoping he says yes, you really need help with one line in particular. "Sure," he says, "are you off script yet?" "Yeah," you tell him, and hand him your script.

About half way through the scene you think to yourself, "he's amazing at cold reads, he delivers the lines perfectly," you think he should've been casted for this role. The scene becomes romantic and he suddenly lowers his script. You panic because you think he saw that there is a kiss at the end of the script and that he thought he actually had to do it, but then he continues with his lines. At this point it all makes sense, he is going to the same call back and you are auditioning to be in a movie with Cameron Dallas. This groundbreaking realization almost throws you off, but you pick back up at your line and suddenly the script feels real. "Y/N, I love you," he says and he ever so softly kisses your lips.

"Wow," you say, "that was amazing, accept for one thing." The he asks, "and what's that?" You say, "You messed up a line!" He argues back that he most definitely did not so you grab the script and point to the last line, "it says 'Elizabeth, I love you.'" He cuts you off, "That's what I said!" "No its not, you said 'Y/N, I love you." He bites his lip and drops his face in his hand and asks, "other than that little mistake, how was it?" You say, "it was pretty good, but I think we should practice the kiss a few more times." He looks up at you and smiles the cutest smile and shakes his head a little. "I think the directors are going to love our chemistry," he tells you as he wraps his arms around you and kisses you again.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2016 ⏰

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