Chapter 2. Infatuated Scarlett

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I was attracted to you beyond words. Beyond any intelligence and beyond any sanity, there I was looking at you like you put the stars in the night sky or the orange clouds during the sunrise. It was a daydream, what a beautiful daydream. And when I woke up from this daydream, I was blinded. Blinded by the darkness of the night and the brightness of the sun. Somewhere between intelligence and sanity, there is a world called love. In this world, when you jump off the cliff, you don't land, and no one comes to jump in after you to save you, and you just keep falling. And the moment you feel like there is no end to this fall and you start to get a little comfortable - feeling safe and content, that's exactly when you fall and hit the ground - hard. The funny thing here is, in this world, you don't die. You get resurrected until you die again and again and again... You are in an endless loop of pain and life. 

You are now stuck in this world. There is no going back from this. It's the kind of love that doesn't heal.


It was a dangerous game I wanted to play. 

I could feel you watching me, Rage. My neck tingled and my hips swayed. For some reason I wanted you to notice me, Rage. You were a sight I couldn't get enough of. 

White is my favourite colour now. You were dressed in a white shirt and black pantsuit. I never liked the colour white, until I saw it on you... all that six point-one feet of your height towered over everyone else in this greasy diner. 

Even though the temperature was high outside and the kitchen's hot air threaded around me, I felt cold... just like your dark eyes. Those dark eyes fixated on me from the moment you walked in. 

I thanked the heavens above when Moose took your attention away from me so I could collect my stupid accelerating heart and run to the table with the stupid kid and clean the mess while his mom just looked at me smugly. Once I was done cleaning up, only then did I realise how dead silent the diner had suddenly become. The ringing in my ears from the embarrassment of calling your name stupid had only now faded away and the silence was deafening. 

I look around and realise I wasn't the only one highly aware of your presence. Every single soul in this diner had their eyes on you. And not a single look of admiration like mine, but that of fear. 

No wonder I felt cold. So many people in fear in one enclosed space have to be chiller than the freezer in the pantry. 

I turn to look at you and find you looking at me, I lock my thighs tightly together and inhale loudly. The large baldish man dressed in overalls - the truck driver, the one you decided to seek here of all places and Moose, my boss, stood in front of you, talking to you, none daring to sit in the seat opposite you, yet your eyes were on me. Were you listening to them?

I am jolted out of my daydream as Luc and his girlfriend scramble towards the door, hiding their faces as if they were stealing and running from the cops.

"Luc, your bill--"

"On the table." He shouts cutting me off and running out the door with the stumbling girlfriend, I look towards his table and make my way, grabbing the bills with a frown. 

He left a lot of tips in his hurry to leave. So unlike him...

Why were they so scared? Is it because of you, Rage?


Rage Diaz

When you looked at me with those big round eyes, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable under your gaze. It was like you could see all the darkness within me. All the secrets buried deep inside me. All the demons I keep locked inside me.

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