Chapter 24. Tim Francis (BonusChapter)

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Tim Francis.

"Where is Sebastian?" I had asked.
"I killed him."
"You are a disgrace to my name."
"Gay? My son can not be GAY."
My father had yelled.
I never thought I had the ability to kill my own father.
But I do now.
Now that my only family is in the hospital.
Because of him.
All.....because of him.
My Scarlett is going to wake up anytime now with the news of the man she loves, lying on his death bed.
A sob escapes my lips.
Broken. Thats how I feel for mine and Scarlett's fate.
I mentally screamed at myself as I sent punches after punches on his ugly face.

"Stop it, boy!." Martin pulls me back and pins me to the wall.
"Your sister needs you now. Go to her. This is not the right time to extract revenge." He yells at me.
"He-He did this to him.... He is the reason they-they----" I choke on a sob. Unable to form my words.
"I know. But you need to be there for Scarlett, right now. She is going to wake up at any moment. How do you think she will handle everything once she wakes up?" He asks me.
I close my eyes in defeat and bang the back of my head on the wall feeling tears roll down the side of my eyes.
I let out a blood curling scream.
Trying to be strong.
But I hardly can.
Not when he is fighting for his life.
All Because of me.
He is there. Fighting for his life. Because he took the bullet aimed at me.
He is dying because of me....

She was made to lay face down because of the bullet that hit her on the shoulder.
She took a bullet aimed at Rage.
Her shoulders were left exposed because of the bandages with visible white scars, on every inch of her shoulders.
She was breathing heavily. Unconscious and sedated.
A dental expert was also called up because those fucking assholes knocked out five of her teeth in the back. Her jaw was bruised and swollen, with a wide cut on her left eye that was healing now. They were afraid that her jaw must have broken but luckily after some xrays, it was proven wrong. It was only bruised. She wouldn't be able to talk properly for days.
Apart from these there were several black bruises and scratch marks on her body.
They had to cut off her dress with scissors because she had dislocated her left shoulder.

I take her small hand in mine as I try to hold onto my tears.
I haven't been able to keep them at bay ever since we arrived here in the ambulance three days ago.

They had taken us thirty five miles away from the city into an abandoned village.
We had to drive for an hour in an ambulance to take them to the nearest hospital.
Because of the media attention, we had to move them after the surgeries to Community's hospital that Rage provided for the refugees here.

How did we manage to keep them both alive....I just do not know?
There were times when Rage would stop breathing and Scarlett would go into a panic attack trying to keep him alive in her own wounded state.
We had to sedate her to calm her down.
She just wouldn't stop touching his chest, where his chest went up and down from his ragged breathing, afraid of feeling it stop.
It made it worse, considering, Rage took a bullet in his chest, almost puncturing his lungs and killing him on impact.
But it still did leave a small hole in the corner, making it unable for him to breathe without help.

There are several experts and experienced doctors that are working on his case right now.
Martin paid them with a hefty amount and death threats if they failed to retrieve him.
While Scarlett herself underwent many treatments.
Her dentals were looked into and she was given artificial teeth where they knocked hers off. They even had to take out those broken teeth from her stomach lining because she had swallowed them in her unconscious state.
Her shoulder was moved into place and she had to be sedated heavily for the operation in which the bullet was taken out.
It had taken many blood transfusions to revive her as she had lost too much blood.
After three crucial days in I.C.U. She was taken out and moved into a suite like room where she lays heavily sedated.
Martin made sure to book the whole floor for their treatment and protection.
Three rooms away, laid Rage, covered with only baby blue sheets and an oxygen pipe inside his mouth to transfer oxygen into his lungs from the oxygen ventilator.
They don't know when he will wake up.
Or if he will wake up.

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