Chapter 1: Blast to the Past

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So I always was out of the ordinary. Nobody cared about me, the Teachers', The kids', and even my parents.

My parents gave me up for adoption at age 4.

Then when I was 11 I found a foster family, or should I say the foster family found me, and the kids there where my family. But that orphanage was hell, it was a lab to experament on us kids and we have scars till this day if their still alive.

No one knows about the experaments, because the whole orphanage was destroyed by a fire, a fire that the older kids saved me from by killing them selves, some of the younger ones died too.

I remember walking in the building after it was gone, and found the basement and the bones of my loved ones. The basement was the area where the experaments happened and I tryed to commit suicide.
But I was 11, and that foster family found me there and took me in. But first rather stopped me from committing suicide.

That family that took me in had me for 2 years, and in those two years My new family was nice. My sister, brother, and Mum and dad + Cat.

Man the cat was the best, he was cute, but during the beginning of 2nd year the cat, named Sox got ran over, the same Sox that kept me company through hard times.

After a while I got into fights with my siblings and parents, it got so bad I ran away.
At that point I got kidnapped and sold back into adoption, then another foster family found me by age 13. But this time I made sure to not make friends or make memories incase it happened all over again.

Then in middle school things got hard, my problems became worse. And nobody to talk to didn't help. But trying to make friends was hard. Every body ignored me.

Then the strange things started to happen at age 14, I was being stalked. Stalked by whom you ask I don't know. But it wasn't good at it. (I say it because I don't know if it was a he or a she.

I didn't care much until I felt stalked in my own apartment....
Yes I know what your thinking.... 'An Apartment at age 14, that's ridiculous. Yeah right,' well its true the owners took me in after I ran away I just have to do a job here and there.

But back to the point I found the stalker one time and went to where it was and it was gone... like here now, then gone the next second.

Like it disapeared! And then things got even weider towards my 15th birthday.... yep... Fan-Fricken-Tastic. My birthday was hell. Because it's the day my cat died and the day my orphan brothers and sisters were killed.

Yes killed, I have my suspicions. But the weirdest thing was, that I started to see things maybe I was hallucinating, maybe you think that but no... I saw somethings that made my mouth go dry. And now I know there is a higher power such as God. I thought if God was there he has cursed me with a never ending soro.

And then it happened, a group of people was looking for something, or somebody... and then one halted the group and pointed at me sitting on the roof on the outer edges of the, well you know, like the roof gates...

And I noticed that  the one that pointed at me was the stalker...

My Eyes widen as I stand up there outraged and pointed a finger back. And shout,

"Why, you... damn!" And thought well at least somebody has an interest in me.

Then they came walking towards me, and by walking I mean like wall running, fucking rediculous.

I swear they made me feel woozy like ya know the blue lines that show up on the anime people's faces? Well whatever, I run or shuffle along the edge as fast as possible.  And then I jump unto the next building like ya know in those action movies, or spider man without webs...

Well I jumped and barely caught the edge of the building with the tips of my fingers and my bottom half smashed into the side of the build, the pain broke up unto the whole of my legs.

I pulled myself up slowly, and just to find they were right there......

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