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/ˈfabyəlist/ (noun): A liar, especially a person who invents elaborate, dishonest stories.

Panting, You finally made it up to the roof with your bread in hand. The door had slammed open, catching the attention of your two friends. (B/f) shot up and sprinted to you, nearly knocking you over. They grabbed your shoulders, and shook you, almost making you drop your bread.

"Where have you BEEN (Y/n)!? I was so worried sick about you!" (B/f) shook you back and forth, not letting you get any words in. You finally shoved (B/f) off of you and panted, trying to stop being dizzy from your friends rough treatment.

"I-I'm sorry, I accidentally bumped into...s-someone." You said, but hesitated on whether you should tell (B/f) or not. They were one of Yuno's fangirls, and would totally freak out if they knew that you had even been near Yuno, so you decided against it.

"What do you mean someone?" (B/f) demanded, crossing their arms over their chest. They looked quite determined to get an answer from you. Yuuki didn't hesitate to jump in on teasing you.

"It was Mamouru-chan, wasn't it (Y/n)-chan?" Yukki teased, making (B/f) giggle with delight, and making you blush.

"N-NO! I-It was just a student I don't know." You said, huffing with anger. You sat down in between the two of your friends, and begun to nibble on the bread you had bought. The three of you spent the rest of the period talking, laughing, and stealing each others food. However, you suddenly felt a chill go up your spine and felt as though someone was watching you. You looked around when something caught your eye. A figure was by one of the windows in the schools east wing. You squinted your eyes at the figure, hoping to make out who it was. Yet the figure must have realized what you were doing, and disappeared from sight.

"What's the matter (Y/n)-chan?" (B/f) asked, hoping to get a substantial answer from you this time.

"Oh. It's nothing, just thought I saw something." You said, hoping to avoid the situation.

All of a sudden, the school bell rung, signaling the end of lunch. The three of you all stood up, and headed off of the roof to the locker rooms. Your entire homeroom had P.E. next, which was great because you got to have it with Yukki and (B/f), but it also meant more interaction with Mamouru. Yuno was in your P.E. class as well, but you didn't understand why. You went to the changing rooms and quickly changed into your p.e. uniform.

Leaving the changing room just in time, you heard the P.E. teacher blow the whistle to gather up the students.

"Alright, today class we will be playing soccer-" Lots of the class erupted into groans, yet Mamouru and a few others high-fived.

"Let me finish," The P.E. teacher said sternly. Everyone quieted down awaiting instruction.

"We are going to seperate into two teams and play a couple of rounds. I will select two team captains and from there, the team captains will pick their team members. The two team captains will rock, paper, scissors to determine who will pick first."

The team captains ended up being Mamouru and Yuno. In the rock, paper, scissors duel, it was Yuno who won first. Slowly, the class begun to dwindle away into the two groups. You wondered who's team you were going to end up on. Being on Mamouru's team would be weird because of his confession to you, and being on Yuno's team would make you blush about the accident between you two at lunch time. The question was answered when you heard a voice say your name.

¨I pick (Y/n).¨ You snapped out of your thoughts to see Mamouru. 'Great. Mamouru just had to pick me.' you thought to yourself as you walked over to Mamouru's team. In the end, you and Yukki were on Mamouru's team, while (B/f) was on Yuno's team. You could see (B/f) excited about it. You giggled, then directed you attention to Mamouru, who was going over the game-plan for today. However, you were goalie, which surprised you because you would have expected to be on defense. Everyone took their positions on the field. Before the game started, however, you saw Yuno whisper something into Mamouru's ear, resulting in his face twisting in anger and determination.

The coach blew the whistle, and the game started. You could hear the shouts of your teammates and the cheers of the defense as the game took off. Yuno looked as though he was about ready to murder the ball, and Mamouru looked so focused on getting the ball. You watched the two, their personality's clashing as they dribbled the ball, clearly intent on stealing the ball from one another. Soon, before you knew it, Yuno's team had made it up the field.

"(Y/n)! Get ready!" You heard Mamouru yell, and you turned just in time to see a kid getting ready to kick the ball. You got into position and waited. The player kicked the ball with a great force, sending it flying towards you. Bracing for the impact of the ball, you threw yourself into the balls path. You felt a sharp pain in your stomach as the ball connected with your middle torso, and a sound resonated throughout the field.

You landed on the ground, scraping your elbow along the dirt. Your body was huddled around the ball, preventing it from moving into the goal. Your team erupted into cheers as you stood up, holding the ball proudly. Mamouru flashed you a thumbs up, and you smiled at him, causing him to blush and turn away in embarrassment. Yuno, however looked absolutely wrathful as his eyes burned into the back of Mamouru's head. As the game started up, you got a sudden sense of dread. The ball was kicked back and forth before it made its way to Mamouru.

All of a sudden, Mamouru was caught in between a large group of Yuno's team members, trying to get the ball away from him. The dreadful feeling you had strengthened, and thats when it happened. A scream of pain startled you. The group finally cleared away from Mamouru. His right arm was lying limply and his left leg was all bent around. Gasping, your hand covered your mouth and you suddenly felt like vomiting. How could he have gotten injured that badly? You rushed to his side to see how he was doing.

"Oh my god Mamouru..." you said as you knelt down. He was sweating profusely, and his face was warped with pain. Mamouru grit his teeth and let out small little whines of pain. Now you truly felt bad for him. In the same day, he got rejected by the girl he liked, and both his arm and leg were broken. As you examined his state, you noticed something unsettling. Shoe marks were perfectly embedded into the spots here his bones were broken. Mamouru was well liked by lots of people, so who could have done it?

"He must have fallen in the rush and someone might have accidentally stepped on both his arm and leg." Someone said from the side

You looked to the voice, and a pair of pink eyes caught your attention.

Yuno was the one who spoke up. His face showed no emotion...

But his eyes showed pleasure....

A/N: BAM! Another cliff hanger! Hello everyone, its me Ghosties, back with yet another chapter! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and sorry its a little late. I was sick both Monday and Tuesday, and then Wednesday I started my period so I haven't been feeling well :/. However, I will probably be better by next week! So I promise to update earlier on Friday. See ya!



(B/f) - Best Friends Name

(Y/n) - Your name

D E S I R E (Male! Yuno Gasai X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now