Chapter 1

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👶Chapter 1👶

3 months later

Vanessa's pov

Omg today is the day I figure out if I had a boy or girl!!!

And 3 months ago I told Connor I was pregnant and he just hung up and never spoke to me again. But when I called Sam he just said congrats and that he's going to be the best uncle. Then I announced it 2 months ago, my parents were proud and so were O2L (besides connor) epically Trevor.

And since I have been her for like 4 months now I kinda got the accent.

"Hey ready to go to the doctor?" my roommate/best friend Stella

"Yeah let me just put some boots on" I said as I put on my uggs

it took about 15 to 20 minutes to drive to the doctor. Once we finally arrived, we got off the car and went into the check up.

"Why welcome back Ms. Porttoff" Dr. Nelson

"It's great to be back" I said

"Alright will you please lay down and lift your shirt up to where we can see your belly" he said as I lifted my shirt and he put on the gel

"So what do you want it to be?" Stella ask

Yes she is watching the ultra sound with me.

"Umm I don't really care as long I have my baby then I will be perfectly fine" I said

"Well...Vanessa your going to have.... Twins !" he said

"Wait Im having twins?" I asked

"Yup and their both boys" he said

"Wow twins" I said as the doctor left to get the ultra sound pictures and videos

"So what are you going to name them?" Stella asked as we wait for the doctor

"Um one is going to be named Max Justin Porttoff and Finn William Porttoff" I said as I felt two kicks kick my belly "Stella look they just kicked" I said as she came and put her hand on my belly and move it so she can feel it.

"Awaw I felt it" she cooed "but wait isn't Connors last Franta?" she asked

"Yeah I have a feeling he doesn't want to be at the day of the birth so might as well use my last name" I said

"True I guess what happens if he does come and helps you?" she asked

"I don't know what I would do" I answered

"Ok here is your ultra sound movie and your photos" the doctor said as he interrupted our conversion

"Thank you doctor" I said as I try to get off the check up bed

"No problem" he said and we left


"Oh my god that was ONE time!" Stella yelled and laughed at our conversion

"Well how am I suppose to let that go its funny!" I said

"Well lucky it was full of girls because if there was a guy the would've stared" she pointed out as we unlock the door to our dorm

Something shocked me. Why was he here? I look back Stella and she mouthed 'suprise'

"Connor?" I said as he turned around

Hello my fluffy unicorns!!
What did you the names are good or bad or just in the middle?
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Small Baby Bump *Sequel to Summer Love*Where stories live. Discover now