Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Connors pov

I can't believe she moved on, so fast. I guess, so should I...

But how? Then I bumped into somebody.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see where I was going" I said as I help the girl up

"It's okay. I wasn't watching either" she said, sounds American, a giggle escaped her lips

"Would you like to get some tea or coffee?" I asked

"Yeah, I would like that" she said

"So where you from? Because you don't sound like your from here?" I asked

"I'm from New York, how about you?" she said

"That's cool, I'm from *the place he's from*" (a/n: yeah I don't know where he's from don't judge and keep reading)

"That's awesome I always wanted to go there" she said

"By the way, what is your name? I didn't get to catch it" I said

"The names Alaska Winter, how about you?" She said

Wow her name goes with her last name. Who knew that?

"Connor. Connor Franta" I said

"Well Connor I better get going, but can I have your number?" she asked/said

"Yeah here" I said as I gave her my phone and she gave me her phone

I put my contact for me was


And her contact name on my phone was


"Ooh and are you free Friday night?" I asked


Sorry it was short! but hey today was a double update!


How was it?


Ooh yeah I'm sorry but all this week and until next Sunday I won't be posting its because I will be in Mexico! ⛽


If it wasn't crappy give it a star

If it was crappy still give it a star


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