In Metroburg

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Phoebe POV
We all leave the hospital and had for super president kickbutt's house. When we get there she asked us why are you here in Metroburg when your parents are on super hero mission. Question two why is charry with you. Do you really  want to know the answer to those questions. Yes she told us. One my powers were going wonkers so we ask the thundermonter to scan me and she said I was pregnant and max passed out so we came here to the hospital to make sure it was true and charry is with us because she asked why I wasn't going to be in town for a week. The easiest way to tell her and make her believe it's true is to bring her to Metroburg.  So your telling me you could be pregnant said kickbutt. Yes kickbutt. If you are pregnant phoebe who got you pregnant asked kickbutt. Do you really want to know kickbutt. Yes she told me. Okey MAXAMUS OCTAVIA THUNDERMAN. You mean your brother. Yes I said. Let me guess she said your parents don't know. Your right I said. You know they will find out she said. Yes I know I told her. So can we stay here please. yes you may she told us. Okey so are you pregnant she asked yes I am I told her. So you and your brother are having a baby she said. Yes I say. So there's a lot you need to do to get ready you know she said yes I say and the good thing is that I can use my powers. Not everywhere because of charry. But she knows already. Oh then you can. Do you know what it is. No we don't.

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