Hello my lovely readers. Arthur here . I'm going to be adding drawing's to some of the chapter's. The drawing's will come from my amazing illustrator. Say hi  Gwaine.

Hello  citizens of the internet! it is I! Sir Gwaine!

Easy there Gwaine. Don't overwhelm the people geez. Sorry about her. Anyways I will be writing the second book. So stay toned and amazing. See ya.

~(Merlin) Aye baes and peeps! It gets confusing 'cause both Joy and SuperSpideyGirl have used Arthur. But that's SSG! ^^^^^ Anyways, hope ya'll enjoy the story that I've- Ahem WE'VE worked so hard on! (Not really it we just write randomly)  Welp, baiii peeps! =^.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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