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Hey guys I've been gone for a bit. I've been busy but mainly cause I have no clue what to write. But I realized I still have one memory I haven't shared.


Like all other days you were at school. It was early you were waiting with your friends for first period to start. You were all waiting for class to start and everything was fine. You were waiting when two arms wrapped around you. You felt lips press against your cheek and you smiled.   (Y/B/N). You couldn't help but smile.

" Good morning " you said he groaned and nuzzled his face in your neck. He was never a morning person. You two talked till the bell rang signaling go to first period and he had to go.

" Love you" he said before giving you a quick kiss and heading off to his first period.

The day continued on. He walked you to your fifth period class. He gave you another peck before heading to his class. It was a little more rushed than usual.

Then the day ended and he picked you up from your sixth period class. You were heading to the gate and when you were about to make the normal turn you two did everyday when he kept pulling you straight. You have him a confused look but he just gave you a smile and made the motion to follow him. A vibe hit you good and hard. Something was up.

You made your way to your spot where you guys would hang out. Normally you would sit down but not in this case. You two were still standing. (Y/B/N) was quiet. He wasn't looking at you. He then met your eyes. You were facing each other and he was holding your hands.

" I think we should break up" everything froze everything was silent. They always say this in books and movies you thought it was exaggeration but it was actually happening. You felt numb. This had to be a dream. It had to be. An unbearable ache rippled through your heart. And it wouldn't stop. You started to focus back in. You couldn't think right but you tugged yourself  away from him and backed up.

You were at a loss for words. You couldn't bear to be near him. You two had been so happy. What the hell? He tried to pull you into a hug but you shook your head no and shoved him away. So he tried again. But you shoved him off harder. He didn't get to hug you. This was the boy who said I love you. I want a family with you. I can't be without you .... Bullshit

" Fine we're done like you want " you mumbled and walked past him. It took all your strength but you had to repeat to yourself : Be strong don't cry. Be strong don't cry

It was one of the hardest things to do but you did it. You got home without crying.


I really wanted to update so I thought I share this last memory. That was my day. Word for word. My thoughts my everything.

Also that picture is true representation of my heart. It's may be beaten and battered but it still works.

I had a feeling it was going to happen. I could feel it since fifth period. I knew him like the back of my hand. I can read his body language I can read him. So I knew and it sucked but I thought I share. That was one of the worst things I've ever felt. Sometimes there aren't happy endings.

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