Chapter 1♡

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♡Janessa's POV♡
"What did I tell you?" My dad roared, towering over me, beer bottle swinging from his left hand. "You were supposed to sit there and SHUT UP!" He raised his right hand to slap my already stinging cheek.
I knew better than to try and shield myself from his drunken blows. That only angered him, causing my beating to become much worse. He forced my chin up so I had to look in his bloodshot blue eyes. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. "You're a ungrateful brat." He dropped my chin, and threw me to the floor. My face smashed into the linoleum floor, and blood came rushing out of my nose.
"And clean that mess up!" my dad spat. He walked away, presumably to get another beer.
"Janessa, are you okay?" my mom asked, shaking me awake. I could feel tears coming out of my eyes.
"I can't cry. That's a sign of weakness." I whispered, trying to wipe the tears away.
My mom looked at me. "Were you having another flashback?" I nodded.
My mom's hazel eyes filled up with tears. She pulled me in for a hug. "It's okay sweetheart. He can't hurt you or Jesse anymore. Your uncle Jake killed him remember?"
How could I forget? The media coverage was crazy. My uncle saw my dad hit me, and less than 24 hours later he was dead, and my uncle was being hauled away by police.
My mom ruffled my hair and looked at my clock. 8:00. "Nessa, don't you have to be at the field in half an hour?"
"Casey's picking me up. But I should probably get ready." I kissed my mom on the cheek. "Tell Jesse if he needs a ride to football practice, he can ride with us." My mom nodded and walked out of my room, making sure to latch the door behind her.
I rolled over and grabbed my phone, and started looking for music to listen to. I finally decided on 'Talking Body' by Tove Lo. I know it's not the most appropriate song in the world, but it was catchy and had a good beat.
My mom poked her head inside my room. "I put your cheer uniform in your bag with your cheer shoes."
"Okay." I said, looking over my shoulder while attempting to pull my untameable curly blonde hair up into a ponytail.
"So do you think you're going to get the captain spot this year?"
"I hope so. Alicia's going to choose who will take her spot today."
My mom smiled. "You'll get the spot. I believe in you."
"Thanks mom." I grabbed my favorite North Face hoodie and followed her out of my room.
"JESSE! LET'S GO!" I yelled.
My twin walked out of the kitchen. "Nessa, I've been ready for twenty minutes. I was waiting on you."
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Is Casey here yet?"
"Yeah. She just texted me."
I smiled. "Can you two start dating already? This is ridiculous."
Jesse blushed. "I don't know what your talking about."
"Sure you don't." I teased.
"Let's just go."
I laughed. "Victory is mine!"
My mom looked at us and laughed. "Bye you two. Try not to kill each other okay?"
"Yes mom."
My brother and I walked out of the house.
"Finally! I feel like I aged fifty years waiting on you two." my best friend Casey Campbell said.
"You're so over dramatic Casey." I said laughing.
My best friend flipped her brown hair and looked at me with a twinkle in her green eyes.
"Maybe." she said, taking my bag from me and putting it in her trunk. "But that's why you both love me."
"I know. Now can we please go before we're late?" I asked.
"Yep. Let's go."
We peeled out of the driveway, laughing and singing along to the radio. I knew today was going to be a great day.

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