It Begins

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"It's almost done, Gir. Soon, we will take over."

Zim welded the last piece into place and hooked up the wiring, standing back to look at his creation. A giant red mech, equipped with guns and weaponry, stood in front of him, imprinted with the Irken seal at every blank space he could see. He nodded. "This should do. Now that Dib isn't around to stop me, this should be a walk in the park."

"Aw... I liked him. You two was best friends," Gir giggled.

"Far from it, Gir. His pathetic attempts to try and stop me were amusing, but the day he and I become friends is the day the Irken armada is struck down."

"Ooh," Gir giggled. "Ima go make waffles. Want some?"

"No, Gir."

"Okee dokee!" Gir skipped out. Zim rolled his eyes and went back to making adjustments to the mech.

"Should be ready..." He muttered. He climbed up and got into the cockpit, testing out the controls. He pulled up his comm. "Gir, get down here. We're ready. ZIM WILL FINALLY TRIUMPH!"

"But I made waffles!"



Gir blasted in from the entrance and hovered in front of the mech until Zim let him in. "Let's crush these puny humans!"

"But they taller than you."

"YOU LIE! Minimoose, watch over the base! Make sure the Dib-human doesn't get out!"

Zim raised the platform until it was up on the surface. The sky was blue--It was the middle of the day. The screen next to the control board lit up, and Zim saw Dib. "You won't get away with this, Zim!"

"Oh really? Then who's around to stop me?"

Dib looked furious. "I'll get out soon, just you wait, alien scum!"

Zim rolled his eyes and muted the communication. He drove the mech about, scaring the humans and laughing as they fled. "BOW DOWN! BOW DOWN TO ZIM!" He chortled, not hesitating in the mech's steps.

"Can I drive?"

"No, Gir. Last time I let you drive you destroyed three pizza places. And the ship. And part of the base."

Army tanks started to surround the mech, but Zim easily took them out, slowly realizing the stakes if he gets caught. Stop worrying. Zim will triumph! He thought, starting to resort to random destruction. This went on for at least three hours until he saw it... That beautiful universal symbol of defeat.

A white flag.

"I-I did it?" Zim cleared his throat. "Of course I did it! Hear that, Dib?" He unmuted the communication.

"Z-Zim... You actually... Did it?" Dib gulped. Zim grinned from antennae to antennae.

"Of course I did! Mankind will feel the wrath of the Irken empire!"

"Where's Gaz and Dad?" Dib clenched his fists.

Zim shrugged.

"Zim, let me out!"

"No! I still have to gloat! Amuse me later, I must call the Tallest," Zim shut off the communication with Dib and called the Tallest.

"What is it now, Zim?" Tallest Red moaned.

"I told you we weren't sending you a-" Tallest Purple stopped. "Where'd you get the mech?"

"I built it. My Tallest, I've successfully taken over the Earth."

The Tallest stopped and looked at one another. "Give us a minute, Zim," Red covered the camera. "He wasn't actually supposed to take over the planet!" He whispered.

"What do we do with a planet that has almost no use for us?" Purple asked. Silence.

Red uncovered the camera. "Zim, are there snacks on this Earth?"

"There's pizza! I love pizza..." Gir giggled. Zim pushed him behind the control chair.

"There are. What shall we use the planet for?" Zim answered, waiting for a response.

Red covered the camera again. "It does have snacks."

"How about we take the snacks... And then destroy the planet?" Purple suggested.

"Are you crazy? That's a waste of weaponry! There has to be something else," More silence. "I've got it," Red uncovered the camera. "Zim... We'll gladly take the snacks and everything, and we'll turn the planet into a parking lot."

"Ooh, good idea," Purple nodded. Zim froze.

"A... Parking lot?" He muttered. "My Tallest, I spent so much time trying to take over the Earth. I thought that it could be used as more than a... PARKING LOT."

"Tough break," Purple shrugged.

"I wanted to rule over the Earth! The filthy humans as my slaves!"

"You can rule over the Earth! As the... Master..." Red was laughing as he got through the sentence. "The... The Master of the Parking Lot!" Purple joined in his laughter. Zim's hope died.

"But..." He sighed. "Yes, my Tallest. That will do."

"Great, Zim. We'll check in with the other Invaders and send a crew to Earth," Red said before the connection cut off.

"Aww, we done?" Gir frowned.

"It seems so..." Zim felt something. Jealousy? No, definitely not. Anger more like it. But a specific anger... "Who am I kidding, Gir! I don't want this filthy planet to be a PARKING LOT! I want to rule over the humans! Destroy them on my own!"

"Earth has tacos! I want more tacos... Can we get tacos?"

"You know what? Sure. We're doing this MY way... For once."

World Domination (Invader Zim Fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now