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Last chapter :0
~5 years later~

5 years already. During those 5 years, Ian and I bought a house together, the Smosh house as we like to call it. I know what you're gonna say; you guys are moving fast together blah blah blah yeah I know but we love each other.

"Hey babe!" Ian shouts from the front door.

"Heya!" I shout back. He walks in the kitchen and crashes his lips onto mine. "I have a surprise for you." He starts. "But you need to come in the car." Ian finishes. "You're not gonna kill me, are you?" I joke. "You'll see." He smirks.

I walk out of the house and hop in the car. A surprise. What could he possibly do to surprise me. I guess I'll see. He drives for about 20 minutes until we pull in front of a big building. "You need to put this on." He says and hands me a blindfold. I tie it around my head and he takes my hand to guide me in the building. Soon, we enter a elevator. "You sure you won't kill me?" I ask. "Don't worry." He laughs. We walk again in I guess a long hallway or something before he finally opens a door. "You can take it off now." He says. I take it off. "SURPRISE." A bunch of people shouts in the room.

I'm startled at first but then I  recognize a familiar face. "Oh my god, David!" I shout and run to give a hug to the orange headed man. "Where have you been? I didn't hear from you for like forever!" I say. "I missed you too, Delany." He smirks.

"Delany, I present to you Smosh Games." Ian says with a big grin on his face. "And guess what, you are part of it!" He says. I give him a big kiss and I look at everyone. There is an Asian woman with long purple hair. "I'm Mari." She says and I give her a big hug. There is a really tall handsome man with long brown hair. "My name is Wes." He says and I shake his hand. Next to him, their is a black man, almost the same height as Wes with black glasses and a red cap. He smiles at me and say; "I'm the Space Wizard also known as Flitz." I laugh and shake his hand. "I'm joven." A kind of tall man with dark brown hair and black glasses says and I shake his hand. "My name's Matt but just call me Sohinki." A shorter guy with brown hair says and I shake his and as well. "It's nice to meet you all and I'm so excited to kick all of your asses at video games!" I say. "We'll see 'bout that." Wes answers. Wow, I already feel a part of this big Smosh family and I just arrive. I can't wait to start filming videos with them. It is just the beginning of something big.

•T H E  E N D•


Already the end of another story *snif snif*. Thank you so much to everyone that is reading this story since the beggining and also thank you to everyone that voted and commented on my chapters I really appreciate it!

As always stay awesome bros! *brofist* (don't know why I brought Pewdiepie here XD)

-Daph 😘

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