A Few Years Later

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My breathing was laboured but I didn't realise why until understanding that i was tangled in the  bottom of a mass of limbs.

"Guys I have class in half an hour! Why did you all have to sleep on top of me?" I exclaimed in a muffled voice.

"Because you make a good pillow Alex." Laurens said simply extracting himself from the top of the pile with ease. "Laf, Mulligan get up!" He yelled.

"Grr..." Came two voices in unison one in a heavy french accent the other in a deeper voice.

"Seriously guys get off my boyfriend he has class in," he briefly checked his watch "20 minutes this was a bad idea!" Laurens said in an equally loud and demanding voice as last time.

"Fine but only if you shut the hell up!" Groaned Laf in french. He squinted because of his photosensitive eyes and got off of my chest while Mulligan, still almost asleep, rolled off my legs onto the floor.

I got out of bed and changed into fresh clothes. This is what I got for having three of the craziest friends in the world I guess. I brushed my teeth only to find that I only had ten more minutes to go downstairs to the academic building in time for classes. Damn it!

I kissed Laurens on the cheek before running out of the door to the elevator. My hands shook with excitement for the start of classes. I know i sound like a nerd saying this but I actually enjoy schoolwork.  I love to write read and just learn in general. My friends and I had decided to go to Kings college after high school when we all met sophomore year.

My friends were great. Laurens who had a spunky brave attitude loved turtles and me of course. Mulligan who had been forced to work with his dad during a lot of high school was a tall African American boy who, despite his demeaning character, had a gentle charismatic state of mind. Laf was a French exchange student that decided to move to America when he met us three and has stuck with us ever since. So, yeah we are extremely  close.

The elevator then reached the bottom floor where my watch read 7:56. Sh*t. I had four minutes to get to class. I had memorised my classes and knew I had English following Math class. I ran down the hall and into the first floor classroom in the nick of time. The teacher turned around a few seconds after my noisy entrance. "My name is Charles Lee but you are all going to call me Mr Lee as common courtesy states. Welcome to Advanced Calculus you will all have to work very hard in my class. Any questions?" He said in a monotone voice.

"Yes," a tall curly haired girl whose monogrammed backpack read Angelica. "I notice an extreme lack of educational tools in the classroom, do you actually know what you're doing or did you just master in math in college and take the job when you saw the paycheque?"

This girl was good. She sat down with confidence leaving the professor speechless and with his mouth hanging open. I made a mental note to speak with her later. The rest of the class sat admiring the girl for her stamina and boldness. They were probably all thinking the same thing as me and wanting in on her friend group.

Thank god for lunch breaks! I was bored out of my mind during English all the teacher did was lecture us about proper grammar like we were a bunch of 13 year-olds that couldn't handle a Creative Writing course. I swear one of these days I'm gonna crack with all of the stupidity in the world.

I went back to the dorm to drop off my things before lunch to find Mulligan and Laf in the middle of an intense make out session. Feeling super awkward I shuffled quietly out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Laurens said as I backed into him trying to get out of the room.

"Lunch" I said sheepishly turning away from the room. Not warning Laurens that unless he wanted the image of Laf and Mulligan eating each other's faces permanently etched in his mind.

"Elllggggghhh! Keep it PG for heavens sake! Nobody needs to see that! I know why you wanted to get out of here Alex!" I heard Laurens scream a few seconds later when he entered the room.

"Life isn't PG turtle boy and since when did you and Alex ever censor yourselves?" Mulligan said rather bluntly to hide the embarrassment.

"Im going to lunch if anyone cares!" I yelled into the room. "Coming? Anyone? No?" I said pausing between each clause.

"I'll come mon cher!" Laf said when he came out still pulling a tshirt over his previously bare chest.

"Ok." I said. We walked down the hallway. I then thought about how  me and Laf were seldom alone together anymore. We were always with Laurens and Mulligan or separate.

Us never being alone did come with challenges we didn't really have any inside jokes or small talk subjects. Usually silences made me feel awkward but this one was different. My red hair fell in my eyes temporarily blocking my vision. Laf reached over to brush the hair from my eyes smiling to himself.

"What are you so happy about?" I asked the silence finally getting to me.

"Oh nothing, I just had a pleasant morning thats all." He replied still smiling.

"I would've guessed." I smirked back.

"Oh stop you and Laurens are much worse"

"Yeah we thrash around on the bed in the middle of the morning with the door unlocked so you and Mulligan can walk in on us." I retorted.

He turned red. "Was it really that bad?"

"Do you want it sugar coated?"

He gathered the worse from my face. He looked down at his worn out Converse and blushed even harder.

I don't try to be harsh I guess it's just how I am I just naturally have to talk about anything and everything and my mind only had three modes: learn, argue, and flirt. There was no way that was just my mindset. Plain old can't say no Alexander Hamilton. What you get it what you get I guess. Deal with it?

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